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@polarscribe Nope. It just has those words in white. Under the text it says, "Now and Zen." I think I bought it at Hot Topic, maybe Target.
@kev097 Precisely. But whereas he plays piano and taught math at Harvard, I play guitar and own a shirt that declares, "Math is hard."
@sreenet Williams' appearances on Daily Show, SNL, etc. have always been solid. My fave is his SNL monologue. Other clips
@Journerdism I think she would make a good candidate: Ah, reminds me of the good ol' days:
@TChed Ah, shucks. It must still be in alpha.
@jssilfies Not sure -- could be. Re: camera discussion, I love my Canon. I have a Rebel XT for my SLR and an HV20 for my video camera.
Retweeting @jiconoclast: WJ Tutorials: How to start a podcast:
@TChed Did you forget to download the "new car smell" plugin?
@mathildepiard After two different discussions, there should be a hashtag. I don't have any good ideas #jwomen #newmediawomen #jdiversity ?
@malcolli Sweetness, congrats! I'm sure you can do it all.
@mattmansfield Here, here! Sometimes I break out my fav Norm catchphrase: "Which one again proves my theory: Germans love David Hasselhoff."
@mattmansfield Haha, yes. I remembered that after my tweet. But only the first time they had Death. Second time was a random person's voice.
@mattmansfield He had a good run as the dog in Dr. Doolittle. After that, who knows.
@ahemphill I agree regarding Google Reader. There's nothing wrong with change, but this was an unnecessary redesign.
@SocialJulio Yup, Fetch is alive and kicking.
Retweeting @ckrewson: Psyched to be the lead story on - the post is about re-educating newsrooms. (thanks, @sskalko!)
Cont'd: @yvescolon and our dean @samgrogg are on Twitter. Also, can't forget about @alexdc, who is an adjunct and Twitter-master.
I'm proud of how many UM journ profs are on Twitter, but you all should use it more! @grinfax @rbeckman @caneadviser @twakhisi @chrisdelboni
@kev097 @jiconoclast @10000words Our "print" journalism program's first online journalism professor was female. Vis-j online profs all male.


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