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too manyt higns to do, so doing none of them
ugh FF went into a weird tab creation loop. very odd
@stevecla thanks - interesting site that. Need to do some exploring
@paulfabretti Mac Users never make a hash of anythign so you don;t need one :-)
@stevecla Got a source of more info on your mate's book? I'm always interested in creativity material
@skipchris I Like Bananas Because They've Got No Bones
@stevecla Send me a copy when you get it all downloaded
why can't oranges be more like satsumas?
Suddenly found I was listenign to Jimmy Young singing. Aaaaargggh
@Innus Yes that's the one. It's very good
@Innus It's got Colin Firth in it and (possibly) Jessica Simpson (or is she a porn star??)
@Innus Tha Noel Coward adaptation is very good (though it might be a bit girly for you)
@kylemayne Thanks - signed up. Have to say it doesn't look that great
@jdbradford nothing worse. away in a manger
@jdbradford ON a small machine it might be good. FF is very slow to load at the moment certainly.
@jdbradford Tried chrome. Couldn't do without the extensions. Also it seemed to be a processor hog


Ian Hay Tara missrogue Hunt Bill Palmer Ian Forrester Sandy Chris Applegate Gareth Paul LoopZilla Chris Stainthorpe John Keogh Kyle Mayne cold climate jon bradford Frank Wales Stef Lewandowski Alberto Nardelli Ron Bieber MacRumorsLive Jake Stride Steve Jackson David Haywood Smith steve clayton Phil Brown Charles Arthur Robert Dorrian Paul Dunlop Paola Kathuria mrdantefontana dominiccampbell danic85 Guardian Tech Jure Cuhalev Gez Daring Charles Curran Matt Jones