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why have I randomly started pressing space bar instead of shift to drag things inline in Illustrator!?
settling down on the sofa with the iBook, a glass of red, pasta bake in the oven and Forest commentary via internet radio. WIN.
trying to come up with some more concept ides for a really nice new project we've got.
@elliotjaystocks Really like the addition to your site! Have you thought about having the light bg at the top when it's closed?
love the accuracy of Amazon estimates. Everything always arrives a day before they say it will. WIN!
@houltmac It's pretty quiet so far today, not missing much. Likewise for the world of RSS.
Mmmmmmm, the smell of a new Moleskine. Bought a pocket lined, going to try Mike Rhodes hack out for a bit.
arrive at work to two new spam followers on Twitter. All because I said I was thinking of going analogue for ToDo management.
considering going down the analog route for task management!
I quite like the look the website. But man that's a long line length.
it's Friday! Woo.
@GadgetComa Yep I sorted it, was driving me nuts. Didn't think of it as the touch has no camera.
@houltmac Thanks. I will likely go that way in the future, can't afford to just yet though. MMe was tempting but I need multiple email addys
Anyone know why the Aperture 2 trial I have installed launches everytime I plug my iPod touch in?
errrm what the heck gmail! Why can't I view my contacts? I don't want "Forbidden Error 403"! They're my contacts!
@danbenjamin That happens to me on mine. If you find a solution can you let me know please? I've not found anything on it.
@houltmac Nothing. She has to have a work phone because she is the contact name if the alarm goes off. Sadly I don't qualify for work phone.
studio manager just got back with her new iPhone, to rub it in guess who has to set it up!


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