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@dominiek And you just happen to know what it's like to make out with a chain-smoking old hag?
@jpdefillippo You got two games to get even. Btw, I said "good Belgian beer". That's stupid. There's no bad Belgian beer.
@jpdefillippo Figured you were making a hurried move between watching TV, scratching your balls and a sip from a glass of good Belgian beer.
@Fumi That's not weather, that's exhaust fumes.
@jpdefillippo Dude, the cold has frozen your brains!
@dannychoo Happened to me a few times that it wouldn't get out of sleep. But not 100%, more like 1%. Did you check apple support forum?
I've done enough svn commits for today. まいど!
@wishingline Would this hot cup of cocoa help you get over it?
It hurts to see the Sacramento Kings in such a deep hole.
Previous tweet re
It's flakey network connection day.
08/12/16 10:01:42 kernel CoreServicesUIAg[30619] Unable to clear quarantine `BBEditApplication.icns'. THAT'S COS IT'S SHITE!
I don't mind BBEdit updates, but it's tedious to keep replacing its fugly icon.
Flickr's contact management page has been upgraded. Far more efficient now.
Hm, I need to copy more of The Gathering to my iPhone.
Here's to 3.5Mb SVN commit emails.
Managing an svn rep while listening to The Gathering. Could listen to all day.
@spidaman Glad you found new inspiration to blog, enjoying the read.


Steve Jenson seanbonner Richard Ault Adam Hertz thomasknoll George Kelly Jasmeet James Walker l.m. orchard Stowe Boyd Neil Bruce Lee Adam Keys That Kid from Omaha Bryan Culver Ted Leung Scott Boms Anthony Dannie David Chartier Brad Choate Jeff Barbose Stefan Pause Dan Lurie Pete amishrobot Miles Metcalfe Jay Allen Kevin Marks Joe Clark Gen Kanai Ian Kallen John Pederson Suw Derek A. Andrew Garrett Dorion
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