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planning coverage for the holidays - even though we ALL want to take off for the rest of the year (Why are we always tired in December!) - The newest member of the family - well within the next 3 weeks
time for the daily dog walk (only it's like 28 degrees F) - bundling up - sure hope she enjoys this!
for me social media is self-paced study; every time I dive in a little deeper I learn a new way to use it effectively
reading neat posts re: Web 2.0 job search by @dmscott
@shelisreal my kids (14, 16, 18) never heard of Twitter until I told them about it- interestingly the 18 yr-old starting to use email more
got one!
looking for an electrician - can't seem to get one to show up anymore!
trying to convince my brain to get into writer's mode - it's fighting me!
@meryl333 I like that "an ocean" - it's much better than the bushel of apples metaphor!
I'm speechless (or typeless as the case may be)
@scottabel you're at XML in Practice conference? Say hello to Lisa Bos for me! She's down there.
getting back to the office after more than a week elsewhere
@jeffjarvis competitive shepherding? now that sounds totally English ;-)
@fwhamm LOVE the new profile pic! You look so festive
trying to write but I don't feel inspired :-( maybe it's jet lag
@callaflower I just told my husband and he's with you too! (and we both LOVE dogs - that isn't the point though, is it)
@callaflower your in-laws bought your 2 year-old a dog - that's not cool in ANY world - not just this one! WOW
@pamslim well congratulations! I have to say, dork that I am, my Mac Book and iPhone are probably my two most favorite possessions! ;-)


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