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today, I *really* need to get some work done
@pmccowatt where's your new job?
@markpollard nice to see you at lunch today. embarrassed that i dont work for a kick arse agency like you.
why doesnt fake-steve-jobs post as fake-steve-jobs any more. he is sorely missed. namaste
just got back from FITSBAD. Last one to leave. Not bad. Met some interesting peeps.
@mattsterne are there judging positions going? ;)
@ellamorton flame grilled. that's why the burgers are better at Hungry Jacks
client wants to have different coloured links and different arrows to make it look different. I think the client wants a luna park interface
@stilgherrian my apologies. tweeted the wrong peep!
@liubinskas Ta. What's the location again? sorry. first time.
@gogogadgetgosia that's way cool. i'm pretty sure it's using a 360 panoramic lense.
@liubinskas are there drinks tonight?
Such a nice 30" Apple LCD screen. You are a joy to watch. x I love you
I cannot comprehend the $500 BILLION bail-out package for Citibank. Billion! 500 of them! The sky is truly falling...
I have no opinion about anything right now. Think of it as a self imposed corporate lobotomy.
this pizza had better be good…
use your iphone to play golf through a browser? Nice in theory, but i'm yet to see it working. here's hoping...
freelancing rocks - dont let anyone tell you otherwise


Jason Calacanis Mick Liubinskas Phil Morle AlistairJeffs Phillip Molly Malone Jeffrey Zeldman Mark Jones Chris Saad Rai Duncan Riley Ella Morton Joe P. Said Nick HaC Finbar Hawkins Tobias Sturt Michael Hendo Elias bri Phil Douglas Markus Hafner Ross Hill iggy pintado Jason Stirk otsmeister Fake Steve Jobs Stilgherrian zefrank buysellads gogogadgetgosia Chad  Canfield Ian Lyons AJ kimheras Micah Slavens sanjays emptynoggin