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@ Fat Baby drinkinggg and listening to Duffy's band
@atzbert I have to wait until 12/23 to get an iPhone.... when my verizon contract expires... I CAN'T WAIT!
@atzbert it's about time you started twittering!!! i remember showing you twitter back in SF in our old place... awwwwwwww!!! miss you! xoxo
I'm sorta hungry for a falafel
i feel sooooooooooooo sleeeeppyyy
I actually think it was longer than that bc they might have truncated my twitters from pre november>!!>>! WTF?
november 15th marked my 2yr anniversary twittering... and you know what? kampai! to drinking sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@m_ob please let it be known that out of the current and former schwabbies... @melissamango was the FIRST to be twittering up in this mug!!!
Just got my flu shot... Now I can write to my Mom about it!
@rigidchristian Thanks! Your avatar is quite amusing, as well.
excited to get off of work to buy a bunch of cheeses and wine
reflecting on the last Thanksgiving I had in CA... @ my brother's place in the Castro, which was where Harvey Milk lived when he was alive.
at work when I should be home recovering from a gluttonous T-day...
watch out everyone!
phew!!!! Nov 25-close +.44 (50%)
excited that my former boss from SCB invited me to the annual "Cash Management Team Holiday Meat Fest” at PORCAO next month! YAYYYY!!!
just found out that i got my fetal baby cookie cutters in the mail today!!!! YAY!
"... light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul."
just submitted my annual performance self review for the job that i started 2 months ago


Jack Dorsey Scott Beale Jason Calacanis Courtney P Minger Garrett Murray Christopher! Marcus timoni SMITH Magazine Mark Coates Andy Baio Antoine Perdaens carl rahn griffith swanlike Dramatic D. Hugh MacLeod comer Jesse Baer CNN Breaking News Ben BBC England Dave Julia Roy g-unit trux Dave Troy The New York Times bianca Barack Obama Jason Kottke Jesus Christ Miss YOURDAYOFF Kevin Belton