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@blaisetnutter You'd be so proud! I finally figured out my Flip video files. :)
Love the nights when I stay awake into the wee hours teaching myself techie things.
Doing interview for Al Jazeera's "The Listening Post" on US media coverage of Bush's developing legacy. Thoughts?
Vote for my pal Erika's Idea for Change! It's for automatic voter registration with an opt-out option.
LA Peeps: My Obama friends started a Ning page to continue your community organizing.
I am NOT ordering Ralph any corporate MOO cards because he is no fun!
@jayrosen_nyu joins Wilshire & Washington Wed am to deconstruct
Took my picture with Santa. Now opera night and Peroni at 322.
"Google vs. French newspapers" in ENGLISH! (via @EricScherer @jayrosen_nyu)
We just bought mistletoe from happy boyscouts on the street in Sierra Madre!
Absolutely GREAT interview with Plouffe in Portfolio about the big win:
@SamAbernethy I have not adjusted yet to your multiple personalities disorder. What have you done with Mandy?
My biz partner's hilarious take on technology ability based on age: *NOTE: My grandma knows what broadband is.
@JGoldsborough Yesssssssss. For a little while. Possibly for longer. We shall see.
Thx to The Content Kings for a great wk!! You boys are smarties.
Just talked to my NYC house-swapping mate. Sooooo excited!
RT @TMCRomi Overheard at the gym:"I won't let my 8yr old watch me undress." What are we doing to our daughters?
@michellemalkin Don't bash the Madagascar toys! Those penguins should run this country. They get things done!!
@RedState Right to Life vs. License to Kill link isn't opening! I want to read that.


Evan Williams Maggie Mason danah boyd Matt Cutler Jason Calacanis SMITH Magazine Teresa Valdez Klein Kevin Rose Greg Turner Eric Ulken Paul Bradshaw Rebecca MacKinnon Barack Obama Baratunde Thurston Joe Biden Hillary Clinton Patrick Ruffini David Weinberger The Nation Matt Stoller Tim O'Reilly Stefania P. Butler Alan Charlie Meyerson RedState John Dickerson Mindy Finn Urban Conservative Gregory Hauenstein Dooce Eric Cantor Marvin Tabangay Clay Shirky yosi sergant Sara Bareilles Matthew Weber
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