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   Issue 7/8, Winter 2006/Spring 2007

International Organizations & Economic Development Resources

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The International Organizations section links researchers to international and global organizations and institutions which are involved in or responsible for global economic policy and play significant roles in global economic relations. The section also includes information on print and electronic resources on economic development. Listed are national and global institutions dedicated to economic development which include various regional and global development banks, as well as government agencies involved in development assistance. Many of the web sites to these institutions do allow access to development indicators and other important economic statistics and measurements of economic development. There is also online access to various institutions' publications, reports and studies on economic development.

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Selected Print Resources

African Development Report. [Abidjan, Ivory Coast]: African Development Bank, [1989?]-
LC Call Number: HC800.A1 A354
LC Catalog Record: 94643540
Publisher's Web Site

Annual Report provides an update on key macroeconomic and sectorial developments and provides an in-depth analysis of an important development topic critical for Africa's development prospects.
BERA - Business & Economics Research Advisor - A Quarterly Guide to Business & Economics Topics

Issue 7/8: Winter 2006/Spring 2007

International Economics & Trade

Table of Contents

World Economic History
International Trade & Global Commerce
International Finance
Foreign Exchange Market
Trends in International Trade
Trade Policy, Treaties, & Law
International Organizations & Economic Development
Country Data
Economic Trade Data & Statistics
U.S. Government Resources
Online Periodicals
Encyclopedias & Dictionaries

Hanjin company container ship at port in the Port of Vancouver
Image (above):
Hanjin company container ship at port in the Port of Vancouver
Courtesy of Joseph Sams.

African Development Review = Revue africaine de développement. [Abidjan, Ivory Coast]: African Development Bank, 1989- . [Abidjan, Ivory Coast]: African Development Bank, [1989?]-
LC Call Number: HC800.A1 A355
LC Catalog Record: 90641613
Publisher's Web Site

Semi-annual professional journal devoted to the study and analysis of development issues in Africa. Web link provides abstracts of articles.

African Economic Outlook. Paris, France: African Development Bank: Development Centre of
the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, c2002- .
LC Call Number: HC800.A1 A35625
LC Catalog Record: 2002242033
Publisher's Web Site

An annual publication jointly produced by the African Development Bank and the OECD Development Centre, which analyses the comparative economic prospects for African countries. Chapters include reports for the specific countries and includes a statistical annex.

Américas. [Washington, Organization of American States], 1949- .
LC Call Number: F1401 .A57
LC Catalog Record: 51003646
Publisher's Web Site

Printed in English and Spanish and available from 1997 on the OAS web site.

Annual Statistical Bulletin. Vienna, Austria: Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, 1980- .
LC Call Number: HD9560.4. 0735a
LC Catalog Record: 86640417
Online Edition

Annual Statistical Bulletin (ASB) contains tables, charts and graphs detailing the world's oil and gas reserves, crude oil and product output, exports, refining, tankers, plus economic and other data. Articles from 1999 on web site.

Asian Development Outlook: ADO. Manila: Asian Development Bank, 1989- .
LC Call Number: HC411 .A17
LC Catalog Record: 89646785
Online Edition

Annual publication that provides a comprehensive economic analysis of 42 economies in developing Asia and the Pacific. Information include aggregate trends and medium-term prospects by sub-region— East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, and the Pacific — in the context of global economic movements.

Asian Development Review. Manila, Philippines: Asian Development Bank, c1983- .
LC Call Number: HC411 .A7545
LC Catalog Record: 83645683
Online Edition

The Asian Development Review is a professional journal for disseminating the results of economic and development research carried out by staff and resource persons of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The Review stresses policy and operational relevance of development issues.

Boletín oficial del MERCOSUR = Boletim oficial do MERCOSUL. Montevideo, República
Oriental del Uruguay: Secretária Administrativa del Mercosur, 1997- .
LC Call Number: HC161 .B62
LC Catalog Record: 98832080
Publisher's Web Site

Economic Development Journal: EDJ. Washington, D.C.: International Economic
Development Council, c2002- .
LC Call Number: HD72 .E26
LC Catalog Record: 2002214072

Quarterly publication with in-depth accounts of important programs, projects, and trends from the United States and around the world.

The Global Competitiveness Report. Geneva: World Economic Forum, 1996- .
LC Call Number: HF1414 .G559
LC Catalog Record: 98032289

Global Development Finance. Washington, D.C.: World Bank, c1997- .
LC Call Number: HJ8899 .W672
LC Catalog Record: 97660616
Online Edition (Note: Available by subscription only)

Formerly World Debt Tables.

IDB America: Magazine of the Inter-American Development Bank. Washington, D.C.: IDB,
1974 - .
LC Call Number: HG3881 .I486d
LC Catalog Record: 76648877 Feb. 1974 - Mar. 1987
LC Catalog Record: 89659251 Apr.-May 1987 - Sept.-Oct. 1997
LC Catalog Record: 98657705 Nov. 1997 - 2000
Online Edition

International Banking and Financial Market Developments. Basle: Bank for International
Settlements. Monetary and Economic Dept., 1985- . (Spine Title: BIS Quarterly Review)
LC Call Number: HG3879 .I56
LC Catalog Record: 89657252
Online Edition

International Financial Statistics. Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1948- .
LC Call Number: HG3881 .I626
LC Catalog Record: 49022514

Monthly publication with country by country tables that include: National Accounts, Exchange Rates, Banking Information; etc. Related subscription source: International Financial Statistics Online Service.

International Financial Statistics Yearbook. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund,
1979- .
LC Call Number: HG61 .I57
LC Catalog Record: 79644619

Annual supplement to the International Financial Statistics with country by country tables that include: National Accounts, Exchange Rates, Banking Information; etc. Related subscription source: International Financial Statistics Online Service.

International Trade Forum. Geneva, Switzerland: International Trade Centre UNCTAD/GATT,
1964- .
LC Call Number: HF1410 .I62
LC Catalog Record: 89655701
Publisher's Web Site

The International Trade Forum focuses on trade promotion and export development, as part of ITC's technical cooperation programme with developing countries and economies in transition. The magazine is published quarterly in English, French and Spanish.

International Trade Statistics. World Trade Organization. Geneva, Switzerland: The World
Trade Organization, c2000- .
LC Call Number: HF1371 .I584
LC Catalog Record: 2001252309
Online Edition

Joint Arab Economic Report. Translated and edited by the Arab Monetary Fund. [Abu Dhabi]: The Fund.
LC Call Number: HC498.A1 T352
LC Catalog Record: 85644373
Online Edition (Arabic)
Publisher's Web Site (English home page)

An annual report on economic developments in the Arab countries prepared jointly by the Arab Monetary Fund (AMF), the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, the League of Arab States and the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC). Available only in Arabic.

Majallat al-tanmiyah wa-al-siyasat al-iqtisadiyah / al-Mahad al-Arabi lil-TakhtitJournal of Development and Economic Policies. The Arab Planning Institute. al-Kuwayt : al-Ma?had, [1998?-
LC Call Number: HC498.A1 M338
LC Catalog Record: 99907822
Publisher's Web Site

OECD Historical StatisticsStatistiques rétrospectives de l'OCDE. Paris: OECD
LC Call Number: HC10 .O42
LC Catalog Record: 00236829

Also known as Historical statistics / Statistics Directorate = Statistiques rétrospectives / Direction des statistiques and OECD Economic Outlook. Historical statistics = Perspectives économiques de l'OCDE. Statistiques rétrospectives.

The OECD Observer. Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
LC Call Number: HC240.A1 O2
LC Catalog Record: 66098609

OPEC Bulletin. Vienna: Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.
LC Call Number: HD9560.1 .O54
LC Catalog Record: 85648335
Online Edition

Features news from Member Countries, articles, a review of the oil market, topical issues, etc.

OPEC Review. Vienna: Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.
LC Call Number: HD9560.1 .O55
LC Catalog Record: 81641392

Quarterly academic journal featuring research articles on energy economics and related issues from around the world.

World Development Report. New York: Oxford University Press.
LC Call Number: HC59.7 .W659
LC Catalog Record: 78067086
Publisher's Web Site (Note: The World Development Report is available by subscription only)

World Economic Outlook: A survey by the staff of the International Monetary Fund.
Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, [1980- .
LC Call Number: HC10 .W7979
LC Catalog Record: 84640155
Online Edition
Publisher's Web Site

A survey by the IMF Staff usually published twice a year. It presents IMF staff economists' analyses of global economic developments during the near and medium term. Chapters give an overview as well as more detailed analysis of the world economy; consider issues affecting industrial countries, developing countries, and economies in transition to market; and address topics of pressing current interest. Annexes, boxes, charts, and an extensive statistical appendix augment the text.

Selected Internet Resources

International Organizations

African Union
An international organization founded as the Organization of African Unity. It is comprised of African nations which seeks to promote economic development, greater economic, political and social integration, as well as the general progress of African countries. This site provides access to list of member countries, Embassy information, policy and procedures, organizational charter, documents, links, and includes access to news, and country data on all African countries. Web site in English, French, Portuguese, and Arabic.
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Secretariat.
The primary international economic organization for promoting economic cooperation and open trade among 21 member economies within the Pacific rim region. The APEC Secretariat home page provides links to APEC Member Economies, APEC Activities, Business & Investment, Publications & Library link, Databases, and News & Events. Publishes publications like annual Economic Outlook and topic specific publications like the APEC Energy Statistics.
Arab Monetary Fund.
A regional organization of Arab states, comprised of 21 member countries, that promotes fiscal and monetary stability of the economies of member countries. The organization seeks the development of Arab financial markets and promotes trade among member states. The Arab Monetary Fund web site provides access to articles and speeches, institution publications, reports and studies, information, news and reports on Arab country capital markets, and information resources available under its Economic Policy Institute. Publishes the Joint Arab Economic Report as well as various studies and research papers. Their statistics section includes Economic Indicators, National Accounts, Money & Credit, Balance of Payment & External Debt, and Cross Exchange Rates with current and some historical data.
Arab Planning Institute.
Formerly the Kuwait Institute for Economic and Social Planning in the Middle East, The Arab Planning Institute (API) is a non-profit regional organization whose primary mission is to advance the cause of economic and social development in Arab countries. API's web site corresponds with its mission by providing links to resources pertaining to training, research, consultancy, expert-group meetings, and publications. Publications includes periodicals like Journal of Development and Economic Policies from 1998, and general publications like those on Urban, Rural, and Regional Economics, Economic Systems, and Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics. Web page in English and Arabic.
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
A regional organization ASEAN's that promotes at its mission co-operative peace and shared prosperity as the association's basic goals. ASEAN's mission seeks to move towards greater economic integration, emphasizing sustainable and equitable growth. The ASEAN site includes an online archive with a table of ASEAN Treaties/Agreements and Ratification and annual reports from the 1980's, speeches and papers, meetings and events, and other links resources.
Bank for International Settlements.
Based in Basel, Switzerland, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is an international organization which fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks. The research agenda of the BIS is focused on key areas of interest to central banks: Monetary and financial stability; Monetary policy and exchange rates; Financial institutions and infrastructure; Financial markets; Central bank governance; and Legal issues. They publish a Quarterly Review (French German, Italian, and Spanish), various Conference, Economic, and Policy Papers; as well as Working Papers. Many of the publications are published on their web page beginning 1996-1999. There are also statistics on debt, derivatives markets, markets, lending etc.
European Investment Bank.
The European Investment Bank (EIB) contributes towards the integration, balanced development and economic and social cohesion of Member Countries. EIB raises funds which it directs towards financing capital projects according with the objectives of the Union. The EIB web site provides access to EIB publications, Key Data, Information & News, Investor Information, and links to the European Union's financing institution, and other EU institutions and multilateral development banks. The Projects & Loans has Project list discloses new projects which have reached an advanced stage in the discussions on possible EIB involvement as well as the complete list of signed contracts is published under the Loans activity section.
European Union.
The official homepage of the European Union (various language versions available), provides news, lists EU activities, links to EU institutional organizations, an organizational overview, official EU documents, and information resources. Statistics are available through Eurostat (services tab) and includes that found in the Yearbook, as well as general indicators and topic specific like trade and transport numbers.
European Union Delegation to the United States.
This web site is an in addition to the main EU site and is specific to the EU and it's relations with the United States. Fact & Figures and various publications are specific to the relationship between the EU and the United States. For instance the Publications tab has "A Guide for Americans" that explains the EU as the EU's relations to the United States and the EU/US Relations tab has agreements between the two as well as agendas, dialogs, and summits.
G8 Information Center.
The web site is a direct link to the G8 membership home page. A wealth of information and resources are available at this site. Resources include G8 membership country information, Summit, meetings, and official G8 documents, as well as scholarly writings and policy analysis. G8 news and related links are also available on the web site.
International Monetary Fund (IMF).
An international organization of 184 member countries whose charter is for promote international monetary cooperation, exchange stability, and orderly exchange arrangements; to foster economic growth and high levels of employment; and to provide temporary financial assistance to countries to aid economies' balance of payments adjustments. The IMF web site provides extensive array information resources which include: IMF finance information, Country Information, financial statistics, news, and access to IMF publications. The Country Info tab has an alphabetical list of countries which serves as a gateway to various IMF documents and information related to each country. The publications section allows for searching as well as browsing by subject, title, and author.
International Trade Center.
The International Trade Center is an international organization which promotes transition economies. It is the technical cooperation arm of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) for operational and enterprise-oriented aspects of international trade development. The site provides an index to internet trade information sources and market news, and agency publications. The web site also includes international trade statistics aggregates and individual country trade data and is in French and Spanish.
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO).
JETRO is a Japanese government-supported organization that promotes international trade and investment relations between Japan and other nations. JETRO has over 100 offices worldwide including 8 locations in the United States. The JETRO web site includes information resources links: Invest Japan web page provides information for companies interested in starting or expanding business activities in Japan, also includes national and regional surveys, tax and law information and a cost simulation program; JETRO's Market Information is an online database of industry reports, examining market statistics, industry trends, customs procedures and regulations, distribution conditions and other issues related to exporting to Japan; as well as JETRO's Global Network web page.
Latin American Integration Association (ALADI).
The Latin American Integration Association, translated La Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración, is a intergovernmental organization that seeks to promote the expansion and integration, maintaining economic and social development, and establishing an integrated market of Latin American countries. The web site provides economic and commercial statistics of member countries, as well as links to reports, studies and other publications focused on Latin American economies. Web site in Spanish, English, and Portuguese.
League of Arab States, presented by's ( Arab
A regional organization, also referred to as the Arab League, consisting of 22 countries in the Middle-east involved in political, economic, cultural, and social programs designed to promote the interests of member states. The League of Arab States also serves as a platform for promoting economic integration among member states.
MERCOSUR is a common market of South American economies which include Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Its mission is to create greater economic integration amongst member countries, promoting trade; allowing a free circulation of goods, services, and capital; eliminating tariffs and trade barriers; encouraging stable macroeconomic policy; and establishing policies that lead to the growth of economic development and democratic societies. The web site includes online access to organizational and policy information, official documents, publications and economic data.
Organization of American States.
The Organization of American States is an international organization that promotes regional collaboration and cooperation, amongst member countries regarding issues of sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independence. Also promotes economic, social, and cultural development, as well as maintaining regional stability. The web site provides numerous resources which include: organizational information; official documents and reports; national legal resources; publications; organizational events; institutional projects; and databases and search engines. Web site in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
The OECD consists of 30 member countries sharing a commitment to democratic government and the market economy with active relationships with some 70 other countries, NGOs and civil society. OECD produces well known publications and statistics, and covers economic and social issues which include: macroeconomics, trade, development, science and technology, and education. OECD assist policy-makers adopt strategic orientations by conducting thorough analysis and valuable studies. It is also well known for its country surveys and reviews. The OECD site provides reports covering an extensive list of economic and social issues. The OECD web site also provides access to member country data, OECD publications, statistics and statistics links, and global news and reports. Information can be browsed by Topic, By Country, and By Department. Web site also in French. Subscription based product, SourceOECD, has full-text and historical publications.
Organization of Eastern Caribbean States.
The Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) is an organization that includes 9 member states of the Caribbean region whose institutional mission is to encourage the economic and sustainable development of member countries. The organization's web site provides links to trade and economic information, trade statistics, trade policy briefs, links to related institutions like Caricom (Caribbean Community), member country links, institutional projects, organizational information, publications, and OECS news.
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).
An international organization of eleven developing countries heavily reliant upon oil revenues as their main source of income. Its membership includes countries which are substantial net exporters of oil and those that share common interests of the Organization. The current members are Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela. OPEC's web page allows access to news and information, member country data, OPEC publications (like the OPEC Bulletin, Statistical Bulletin, Oil Outlook to 2025 and the Annual Report), organizational information, as well as access to the OPEC News Agency. However, access to the OPEC News Agency is only available by subscription only.
United Nations (UN).
A global institution presently comprised of 189 member countries. The United Nations is central to global efforts to solve problems which challenge humanity. Cooperating in this effort are more than 30 affiliated organizations, known together as the UN system. The UN and its affiliated organizations work to promote respect for human rights, protect the environment, fight disease, foster development and reduce poverty. The UN has four purposes: to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations, to cooperate in solving international problems and in promoting respect for human rights, and to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations. The UN also provides loans to developing countries and assists in efforts to stabilize financial markets. The UN web site has numerous resources and is divided into five main sections: Peace & Security; Economic & Social Development; Human Rights; Human Rights; Humanitarian Affairs; and International Law. Some of the resources available include: organizational information, member country links, country data, UN publications, statistics, economic and trade data, UN projects information, UN official documents, as well as news, reports, and webcasts. Web site in English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Arabic, and Russian.
World Bank.
The World Bank is owned by more than 180 member countries with the primary focus of assisting developing countries. The World Bank is one of the world's largest sources of development assistance intended to improve living standards and eliminate the poverty. The World Bank works with government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector to formulate assistance strategies. The Bank assist developing countries by directing towards a path of stable, sustainable, and equitable growth, and emphasizing the need for investing in health and education, social development, poverty reduction, strengthening government efficiency delivery of services, protecting environment, encouraging business development, and promoting macroeconomic reforms. The Word Bank is also made up of four other institutions consisting of: The International Development Association; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; International Finance Corporation; Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency; and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes. The World Bank web site provides links to country & regional data, information resources and related reports; Data & Statistics; Documents & Reports; Economic Research; Projects, Policies & Strategies; and links to World Bank publications. Web site in English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Russian, and Arabic.
World Economic Forum.
The World Economic Forum is an independent organization with the goal of improving the state of the world. The organization is funded by the contributions of 1,000 of the world's most prominent corporations. The Forum is intended to serve in the global public interest by encouraging economic growth and social progress. The Forum serves its members and society by creating partnerships between and among business, political, intellectual and other leaders of society to define, discuss and advance key issues on the global agenda. This web site provides access to world news, and reports, information resources covering a number of global issues, technology information, events, and a media center which includes World Economic Forum publications (including the Global Competitiveness Report, The Arab World Competitiveness Report, Global Information Technology Report, and the Latin American Competitiveness Report), press releases and webcasts.
World Trade Organization (WTO).
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization created to address the rules of trade between nations. Central to its existence are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by most of the world's trading nations and ratified in the parliaments of member nations. The goal of the organization is to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers to effectively conduct global commerce. The WTO web page provides links to organizational information, WTO news and webcasts, trade topics and reports, official documents consisting of legal texts, trade policy agreements and dispute settlement reports. Other resources include economic research & analysis, statistics, and WTO publications. Web site in English, Spanish, and French.

International Economic Development Resources

African Development Bank
The African Development Bank (ADB) is the premier financial development institution of Africa, whose mission emphasizes eliminating poverty and improving the lives of people of the continent. The organization is also involved in mobilizing resources towards the economic and social progress of its Regional Member Countries. The web site includes member country information, and member state government organizational information; development project information; financial management information; a comprehensive list of development topics; a link to ADB publications and reports; and statistical data and publications. Web site in English and French.
Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development.
The Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD) is an autonomous regional Pan-Arab development finance organization. Its membership consists of all member states of the League of Arab States. The AFESD is an Arab regional financial institution, and its function is to assist the economic and social development of Arab countries through (1) financing development projects, with preference given to overall Arab development and joint Arab projects; (2) encouraging the investment of private and public funds in Arab projects; and (3) providing technical assistance services for Arab economic and social development. The Arab Fund web page provides member state information; operational and financial information; resource allocation information; loan information; technical assistance data; and development project information. Web site in English and Arabic.
Asian Development Bank.
The Asian Development Bank, ADB is a multilateral development finance institution dedicated to reducing poverty in Asia and the Pacific. ADB is presently owned by 61 members mostly from the Asian and Pacific region. The web site provides links to member country data, reports and economic reviews; project lending information; a topics index; economic and statistics; financial resources information; and links to ADB publications.
Carter Center.
The Carter Center, in partnership with Emory University, is guided by a fundamental commitment to human rights and other humanitarian efforts. The center seeks to prevent and resolve conflicts, enhance freedom and democracy, and improve health and the quality of life. This web site provides links to the Center's Peace Programs; Health Programs; Country Projects; Facilities & Events; and News & Information.
Center for International Development, Harvard University.
The Center for International Development (CID) serves as Harvard's primary center for research on sustainable international development. The web page provides an extensive number of resources which include links to center research staff; CID Events; Research Programs; Publications - Working Papers, CAER II Papers, Discussions Papers, Special Reports, and Archives; Research Data Sets; and other resources.
European Agency for Reconstruction.
The European Agency for Reconstruction is responsible for the management of the main EU assistance programs in Serbia and Montenegro (the Republic of Serbia, Kosovo), and the Republic of Montenegro) and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. This is an independent agency of the European Union, which is accountable to the Council and the European Parliament, and overseen by a Governing Board composed of representatives from the 15 EU Member States and the European Commission. This web page provides links to current news and a monthly news bulletin; country information; Agency publications; quarterly/annual Activity Reports; and key figures.
European Investment Bank.
The task of the European Investment Bank, the European Union's financing institution, is to contribute towards the integration, balanced development and economic and social cohesion of the Member Countries. Publications include: annual reports; EIB information bulletin; videos; technical studies, etc. Web site in French, English, and German.
Inter-American Development Bank.
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), is one of the oldest and largest regional multilateral development institutions, established in 1959 to assist in the development of economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean. IDB's home page provides access to organizational information; Annual Reports; Development project information; a link to IDB's Felipe Herrera Library; member country statistics; IDB publications; and other useful resources.
International Economic Development Council.
The International Economic Development Council (IEDC), is a relatively new organization, focusing on the field of economic development. The mission of the organization is to provide leadership and excellence in economic development for our communities, members, and partners. The IEDC home page provides access to a Resources Center which includes: Online Consultants Database, Clearinghouse Information and Research Services, Legislative Affairs Online, Economic Development Now Archives, Economic Development News, Economic Developer's Reference Guide, Research and Data Links, as well as other helpful research related resources. The web page also provides access to an online Book Store.
International Institute for Sustainable Development.
The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), promotes policy recommendations on international trade and investment, economic policy, climate change, measurement and indicators, and natural resource management in order to foster sustainable development. This web page provides access to IISD's subject knowledge home pages covering specific subject areas related to international economic development, each providing important information, reports, and publications. Other features include links to IISD Commentary; IISD Publications; an Issues home page; and Online Library with access to an extensive number of resources.
International Research and Exchange.
The International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX), is the premier US nonprofit organization specializing in higher education, independent media, Internet development, and civil society programs in the United States, Europe, Eurasia, the Near East, and Asia. The IREX home page includes links to IREX development programs searchable by location and topic; regional home pages; global internet development news; news room; and a link to IREX publications.
Research & Technological Exchange Group.
The Research & Technology Exchange Group (GRET) is a development organization that assists with the economic and social development of developing countries through a combination of research, action and communication. GRET is active in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe. The organization's web site provides links to a Research/Analysis page, Publications, Online Resources, and a web page with related links.
United Nations Development Programme.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) serves as the international development arm of the United Nations. UNDP provides a range of services to governments and to United Nations teams in the following practice areas such as, Democratic Governance, Poverty Reduction Crisis Prevention, Energy and Environment, Information and Communication Technology. These services are geared to engage in global advocacy and analysis to generate knowledge, alliance building and promotion of enabling frameworks on key issues, policy advice and support for national capacity building, and knowledge networking and sharing of good practices. The UNDP web site provides links to a number of useful resources that include UNDP home pages to member nations; Regional home pages; Human Development Reports; News Bulletins; UNDP Publications; Events; as well as links to a number of UN development projects and funds. Web site in English and French.
U.S. Agency for International Development.
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is an independent federal government agency responsible for providing foreign assistance and furthering America's foreign policy interests in expanding democracy and free markets while improving the lives of the citizens of the developing world. USAID has been the principal U.S. agency to extend assistance to countries recovering from disaster, trying to escape poverty, and engaging in democratic reforms. USAID provide assistance in four regions of the world with links to home pages of each region: Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and the Near East, Latin American and the Caribbean, and Europe and Eurasia. Resources available on the web site include: Featured News and Reports; Economic Growth and Agriculture information; Education and Training resources; USAID Evaluation Publications; Environment; Food and Peace; Global Development Alliances; Health; Information Technology; and USAID Publications. Web site in English and Spanish.
U.S. Peace Corps.
A volunteer agency dedicated to assisting developing countries. The Peace Corps attempts to promote better understanding and relations between the U.S. and the world, through its volunteers. The Peace Corp web site provides a wide range of information with links to web pages which include: News; Online Library; Business information; Environment; Agriculture; Health; Community Development; and Country and Region information.
U.S. Trade and Development Agency.
The U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) advances economic development and U.S. commercial interests in developing and middle income countries. The agency funds various forms of technical assistance, feasibility studies, training, orientation visits and business workshops that support the development of a modern infrastructure and a fair and open trading environment. US TDA's home page provides links to News & Events, Regional & Sector information and reports, access to the US TDA Library, and access to related links.
World Resources Institute.
World Resources Institute (WRI) is an environmental research and policy organization that creates solutions to protect the planet and improve world's quality of life. WRI is an independent, non-partisan organization that works closely with governments, the private sector, and civil society groups in more than 100 countries around the world. The web page provides access to a Global Topics home page, with a number of reports covering each topic; links to an Environmental Information Portal (EarthTrends); News room; as well as a Publications & Media home page which provides access to WRI publications.

Library of Congress Catalog Searches

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   April 2, 2007
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