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   Issue 5/6, Winter 2005/Spring 2006

Electronic Resources Covering the
Oil & Gas Industries

Included in this section are a variety of electronic resources and LC catalog searches useful for pursuing further research on this industry. Included are both freely available and subscription databases, e-journals, as well as links to industry portals, trade association publications, petroleum libraries, U.S. government information, and Library of Congress authorized subjects. Please check the individual sections of this guide for additional electronic resources and LC catalog searches relating to topics discussed in individual sections of this guide.

Finding Aids     Portals/Gateways    
Trade Associations     Libraries    
U.S. Government Information    
  Databases         LC Catalog Searches    

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Finding Aids and Glossaries

Energy Glossary.

Includes terminology used in the U.S. Dept. of Energy.

Gary Price's List of Lists: Petroleum and Mining

Provides sources for rankings of petroleum, gas and mining companies.

Oil Field Glossary.

BERA - Business & Economics Research Advisor - A Quarterly Guide to Business & Economics Topics

Issue 5/6: Winter 2005/Spring 2006

The Oil & Gas Industry

Table of Contents

Cartels & Organizations
Transportation & Storage
Marketing & Distribution
Natural Gas Industry Trends
Alternative Energy Sources
Company Research
Statistical Sources
News & Analysis
Electronic Resources and Catalog Searches

Drilling Rig Near Sable Island
Image (above): Photograph of
drilling rig near Sable Island.
Courtesy of the Maritimes Region of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada.
This illustrated glossary includes more than 3800 entries for the technical generalist and the expert. Extensive references to technical papers.

Open Directory Project (ODP): Petroleum Company Information Search

The ODP is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors. A search for petroleum company information is provided but there is much more information which may be of use to a researcher of the petroleum industry.

Internet Archive Wayback Machine.

Allows you to search by a company's URL in order to view old Web pages which are no longer on the Web. Useful resource for historical research.

Petroleum Abstracts. (PA)

PA, the PA Bulletin, TULSA database and other products that include worldwide petroleum literature and patents related to exploration and production are available from this site with a subscription. See the web site for additional information on Petroleum Abstract's fee-based Search Service.

Smithsonian Institution Archives.

Enter search terms such as petroleum or gas in the search box to locate finding aids containing those terms. After selecting a finding aid, then use the "Find in this page" command in the Web browser to locate the terms in the finding aid. Most of the finding aids relate to information on exhibits.

Standard Industrial Classification Codes and North American Industrial Classification Codes.

Use the following industrial classification codes to search business databases subscribed to by a library. Petroleum refining industry SIC code - 29 and NAICS code - 324 crude petroleum and gas extraction industry SIC code - 1311 and NAICS code - 211111.

Petroleum Industry Portals/Gateways

Adventures in Energy.

A general multimedia guide for US citizens about the petroleum and natural gas industries. Demonstrates the processing stages from exploration to consumption.

American Petroleum Institute.

API offers both consumers and professionals a large number of free resources. Oil and gas industry segments are clearly delineated for the beginning researcher. The About Oil and Natural Gas section available from the home page provides basic information on the production of oil and natural gas and on oil and natural gas products as well as tips on energy conservation.

Ask About Oil.

This search portal for the petroleum energy community covers oil, gas, and petroleum-related Web sites. It includes governmental, educational and research, as well as commercial oil and gas web sites. According to the site, users will get "better search results for questions about petroleum, because because [the site] focuses on bring[ing] the best web search technology to indexing the oil and gas web. The search engine is tuned to give the best results for searches in petroleum including: geology and geophysics, exploration, drilling, production, pipeline, and retail distribution."

Australian Institute of Petroleum.

The Institute collects and disseminates statistics and other information about the operations of the petroleum products industry and issues of public interest in the industry.

The U.S. Dept. Of Commerce, International Trade Administration, Office of Energy and Environment, Energy Industries Team provides information resources by region of the world.

Facts on Fuel.

A general multimedia guide for US citizens about gasoline, natural gas, diesel and heating oil. Provides useful statistical information in easy-to-read charts.

Latin Petroleum Analytics.

An independent research firm provides news and insights into the petroleum and petroleum-related industries throughout the Latin American and Caribbean regions. Search petroleum news by country. Online publications include The LatAm Energy eDaily which is available free with registration and The LatAm Energy Journal, The LatAm Energy Investor, and The LatAm Energy Research Review which are available to purchase.

A Middle East/ North African Financial News portal. The Market Data link available from the home page includes a section on the oil and energy industries. The site also includes a database searchable by company, by industrial sector (choose "Oil, Gas and Petroleum" under the Industry category) and/or by country.

Nickle's Canadian Oil Register.

A portal for Canadian oil company information. Freely available resources include Canadian petroleum news and online archives of the Daily Oil Bulletin which covers the Canadian oil industry since 1992, an energy toolkit, events calendar, oilpatch history, and a technology update. With a 14-day free registration, you may use the following resources: Canadian Oil Register which includes an extensive database of Canadian company details for over 3,500 companies at over 7,000 locations and 18,000 key personnel. Recent issues of the Daily Oil Bulletin, the New Technology Magazine, and other parts of the site which include Data Central, Energy Analects, Energy Evolution, Nickle's Energy Group, Petroleum Explorer and the Rig Locator.

Some categories of information on this site are: International coverage of petroleum projects, A-Z, and A-Z company index, products & services, industry news releases, conferences and international career opportunities. Many of the resources on the site are likely to be primarily of use to industry professionals.

Oil & Gas Asset Clearinghouse.

Tristone Capital offers this database of oil and gas property acquisitions and divestitures.

Oil and Gas Online.

Offers almost 400 market research reports on the petroleum industry to purchase. The site is primarily intended for industry professionals and B2B activities.

International petroleum news portal.

A petroleum industry directory. Searchable by names of companies, individuals, professionals, suppliers, contractors or by subject categories. Lists federal, state, and local government agencies and trade associations for the U.S. and Canada. Includes an alphabetical listing of mergers and acquisitions. Under the Finance category content from Baker Hughes such as weekly counts of North American oil rigs is included. This site also offers a job center.

Provides company profiles of oil and petroleum companies from around the world.

Petroleum Bazaar.

Portal of the oil and gas industry in India.

Petroleum Navigator.

Portal provided by U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration.

Petroleum Refining Industry.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency provides a list of links dealing with pollution prevention, regulation and compliance. Offers technical publications and Web sites of pollution prevention programs and research databases. Includes useful profiles of compliance information for the petroleum refining industry and compliance information for the oil and gas extraction industry.


Contains a large amount of content such as news, conferences, industry publications, and international listings of oil companies and associations. Each category can be searched independently. The site map is a useful navigation aid.


Refining Online[add trademark R] is a leading Web portal for the petroleum refining industry. You may register and subscribe to this site for free. It features an interactive Q&A, a search engine for refining industry Web sites, an online ROL eStore, free ROL assistant software, technical knowledge base, events calendar, and member directory.


Free listing of the location of oil rigs throughout the U.S. and statistics on rigs, permits and drillers. Sales statistics, company information and other reports are available with a subscription.

Subsea Oil and Gas Directory.

B to B directory for the international oil and gas industry. Searchable directory for purchasers sourcing global subsea oil and gas specific suppliers and contractors in order to identify potential approved vendors.

Twenty-Four Hours of Progress (Part I).

Short film on the oil industry. Producer: Film Counselors, Inc. The film describes the central importance of the oil industry to the American economy. Complete shotlist is provided.

World InfoCenter.

Provides information for the oil and gas industry. Gulf Research also provides information on the oilfield service industry. Most of the publications are available for purchase but the site provides the following resources without charge:

Yahoo! News: Oil and Gas Industry.

News portal from Yahoo! Includes links to NPR audio and BBC video resources.

Trade Associations and Publications

Independent Petroleum Association of America.

Provides research in the form of economic reports, statistics and international forum reports.

Institute of Petroleum.

For sixty years the Institute of Petroleum has been one of the principal independent bodies in Europe concerned with the advancement of technical and economic knowledge in the oil and gas industry around the world.

National Petrochemical and Refiners Association.

Conference papers of NPRA which represents most U.S. refiners and petrochemical manufacturers.

Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPC) publications.

Includes full-text annual reports, statistical reports, monthly bulletins, etc. of OAPC.

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) publications.

Includes full-text annual reports, bulletins and a limited number of reports free of charge. A quarterly academic journal, OPEC Review, covers energy economics, and is available by subscription. The organization also offers an option to purchase online access to individual articles from the journal. An advanced search feature allows one to search the entire site or restrict the search to individual publications. Utility & Energy.

Allows requests of free subscriptions to petroleum industry trade journals.

World Energy Council (WEC) publications.

Congresses, speeches, current online and free publications and archives are offered. Use the search feature to search Petroleum or Oil.

World Petroleum Council (WPC) publications

Proceedings of the WPC, handbook, speeches, etc. are provided in full-text under the Publications category.

Petroleum Libraries

Barrows Company Library.

Fee-based international reference library for oil, gas and minerals laws.

Energy Information Administration (EIA) Library and Archives.

Provides free access to almost 1,200 full-text U.S. Dept. of Energy, EIA publications. Current publications of EIA are available at

Dallas Public Library. Nancy and Jake L. Haman Oil and Gas Resource Center.

Provides a comprehensive current collection of print and electronic materials with emphasis on investments, company information, financial management, industrial surveys and statistics within the oil and gas industry and the broader energy industry.

Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering Virtual Library

Comprehensive listings of organizations, government and commercial entities.

Petroleum Museum Library

A subscription based resource containing articles covering the financial, technology, market data dealing with the financial A museum library located in Midland, Texas.

Panhandle Plains Historical Museum Research Center

The research center library offers books, manuscripts, historical photographs, oral history interviews and manufacturer's trade literature. Located in Canyon, Texas.

Society of Petroleum Engineers eLibrary,2396,1104_1561_0,00.html

Includes an archive of the technical papers presented at SPE sponsored conferences since the late 1950s and articles from SPE's technical journals since the early 1950s. Offers 40,000 technical documents covering the evolution of technology in drilling, completion, exploration, production, facilities, reservoir simulation, formulation evaluation, safety and environmental protection, risk management, etc. Recent additions include presentations from general and plenary sessions at conferences and Distinguished Lecturer presentations according to the SPE Web site.

U.S. Government Information

Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research (FRASER)

Provided by Research Division of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. This web site provides historical economic statistical publications, releases, and documents. When used in connection with data contained in FRED[insert trademark R] (Federal Reserve Economic Data), FRASER[insert trademark R] allows the researcher to create uninterrupted data series by accessing sources previously available only in print. Search for petroleum data.

Use this portal to search for government information from all state, municipal and federal government agencies.


Use this site to search for government documents on the petroleum industry.

Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission

Commission of U.S. Governor's of oil and gas producing states. Includes a state membership directory, a Weblog, and extensive links to other state and national government sites, industry-related sites, and the sites of professional societies, as well as a complete list of publications, some of which are freely available.

U.S. Dept. of Energy. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

List of DOE, EIA petroleum experts who specialize in petroleum data, along with an Ask an Expert service via email or telephone. Also available from the EIA are a number of publications including:
  • International Energy Outlook, which offers an An excellent overview of the global petroleum industry

  • International Energy Annual. This title includes long-term historical international energy statistics, as well as Country Analysis Briefs, which provide information on the world oil market and environmental data on energy production and usage. Search by geographic area.

U.S. Dept. of Energy. Office of Fossil Energy. Strategic Petroleum Reserve

The reserve is a key emergency response tool available to the President to protect Americans from energy supply disruptions. This site also offers a searchable Fossil Energy R&D Project Data Base which includes 500 active R&D projects. Of interest to researchers of U.S. consumer protection and pricing.

U.S. Dept. of Interior. Minerals Management Service (MMS)

Search the publications of the MMS that deal with the petroleum industry. Economic aspects of the industry are part of the research presented by MMS.

U.S. House of Representatives. Committee on Resources

House committee that discusses the energy issues and policy of the United States.

Search Engines/Databases


Purchase detailed industry analysis and marketing plan research. Offers industry search by keyword, SIC codes, A-Z list of industrial segments and industry groups. Energy & Industry category should be used to acquire petroleum industry information. Examples of industry reports are available.

Business & Company Resource Center
Subscription resource. LC patrons must be onsite to use this resource.

Subscription database available at a library. Search petroleum companies by name or use SIC or NAICS codes to acquire information on petroleum companies.

CSIRO Petroleum

Australian petroleum industry links to all R&D initiatives. Site also includes the Australian Resources Research Center annual report. {PDF format/ 1 MB 47 p.]

Datamonitor: Oil

Petroleum company information and news are available free at this site. Research described and available for purchase. The full proprietary database is available from DIALOG and other database vendors. Registration is required to receive free newsletters.

Dun&Bradstreet Million Dollar Database Subscription product. LC patrons must be on site to access this product.

Provides company information on approximately 1,600,000 U.S. and Canadian leading public and private businesses. Subscription database available at many university or research libraries.

EDGAR Online

Annual reports of oil, gas and energy companies available to download.

Energy Intelligence Publication Search

Large number of publications on the petroleum industry available to purchase as pay-per-view or subscription. Saved query feature available to subscribers only. Free trials and sample issues of a limited number of publications are available free of charge.

Financial Times Business Reports: Energy

Proprietary database available through DataStar, Nexis and FT Profile. Ask about access to this database at a university or research library. The database contains full-text articles from selected Financial Times newsletters covering key energy sectors. Over 200 articles are added weekly.


Subscription database which provides Texas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma oil and gas companies' marketing and tax departments with a tool to help with contract negotiations, wellhead price confirmations, tax preparation and regulatory filing confirmations. Provides detailed market production, sales and ad valorem tax reports.


High Beam offers a free trial with access to 34 million documents from over 3,000 sources. Use the advanced search feature to search for "oil or petroleum," then choose the source types and publication dates of the documents you wish to view. Especially useful for historical research since some articles go back as far as twenty years.

Hoovers: Energy & Utilities

Free version of Hoovers which offers basic company and industry information for a limited number of companies. Search by company name, ticker, or industry SIC or NAICS codes To see the full database a subscription is required. Visit a university or research library that purchases a subscription.

Hydrocarbon Online

B to B site for petroleum industry professionals. Market research reports available to purchase.

Index to Early Petroleum History Sites

Page of links for history of the petroleum industry in the U.S. and other countries. Sister page of historical photographs of the petroleum industry in the U.S.

Infoil - Sesame

Includes data on current Norwegian, British and other EEC research and development projects within the offshore oil and gas, hydrocarbon technology and other petroleum related fields. More information about the content of this database and acquisition of data is available at

ISI Emerging Markets Subscription resource. Available to LC patrons onsite.

A subscription database available at numerous university or research libraries. This database is especially good for third world countries. Begin search by country or geographic region and then choose company or industrial sector.

Market Research Library

International market research provided by the U.S. Commercial Service. Search by industry: Energy & Mining. Available for free but registration is required.

National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

Search of the NBER site for NBER Working papers relating to petroleum.

Petroleum Equipment Directory

Petroleum Equipment Institute sponsors this database which includes member company and product information for the petroleum equipment industry. The advanced search interface allows you to search geographic, operations, lines, products and individuals associated with the membership.

Petroleum Environmental Research Forum

PERF is a nonprofit research and development joint venture of petroleum companies. This database covers research projects performed by member companies. It includes information relating to the development of technology for health, environment and safety, waste reduction and system security in the petroleum industry. Offers a search by named petroleum company members who sponsor environmental R&D projects and their costs. The PERF newsletter describes ongoing activities of this organization. Newsletter archive available for free.

RDS Business Reference Suite

This suite includes three databases: Business & Industry, Business & Management Practices, TableBase. Ask for this subscription database at a university or research library. Search for journal articles and tables on the petroleum industry.

UMI Dissertation Service (a Division of ProQuest Information and Learning)

Fee-based service on demand for dissertations and theses. Best search results if you search by title or author of dissertation. Research and university libraries may have ProQuest's Digital Dissertation service available for their patrons.

Library of Congress Catalog Searches

Additional works on the petroleum industry in The Library of Congress may be identified by searching the Online Catalog under appropriate Library of Congress subject headings. Choose the topics you wish to search from the following list of Library of Congress subject headings to link directly to the Catalog and automatically execute a search for the subject selected. Please be aware that during periods of heavy use you may encounter delays in accessing the catalog. Please check the other sections of this guide for catalog searches which relate to topics covered by those sections. For assistance in locating the many other subject headings which relate to the petroleum industry, please consult a reference librarian.

Petroleum industry and trade

Broader Term

Energy industries

Narrower Terms
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   Issue 5/6, Winter 2005/Spring 2006
  The Library of Congress >> Especially for Researchers >> Research Centers
   April 18, 2006
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