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Didn't know David Icke's name was pronounced "Ike." That's almost as good as knowing Coase rhymes with rose.
@ideaprovince damn it. You just added like 6 months to the screenplay writing process.
@radleybalko I love that the president just bounces right back up and looks square at the guy again. I like Bush more after that video.
@coach_bob You'll get better, and then you'll love every one of the 80 or so hours you spend playing it through ... the first time.
If amphetamines are ever legalized, I'm opening a store called The Speed Trap in Starke, FL. I could retire in two years.
Cheering for Timmy.
If you haven't lived until you've seen a white dork beatboxing for AIDS donations at a high school drama competition, I'm really living.
Seriously, what's the ad budget for "The God Who Wasn't There"?
Oh, drama kids.
Free Wifi at the Ramada! Bonus!
I know he was once a Cato intern and everything, but does anyone take John Fund seriously?
@csteib Last week: Still alive. Just now: dead (because I didn't know).
@JDTalley 1.07%, Talley. The LP'ers are always very, very quick to point that out.
@hellobrigi Or if you don't like to hear the Red Hot Chili Peppers every 10 minutes (oh, wait, I forgot...)
Voters accept all sorts of bribes in exchange for support. So why demonize Blagojevich for doing it too? This time he's just the only voter.
Tornado Watch! is pretty fun, actually.
Blagojevich is guilty only of Kochian market-based management. Shouldn't resources flow to those who value them most highly?
Anyone on this thing?


Talley Cord Blomquist John Carney Will Wilkinson Chris Steib lauren bogiages Jonathan Rick Amy Julian Sanchez dredgereport Joseph Weisenthal thesluss Rhys Southan Timothy Lee Courtney mattdougherty Brigitta Dougherty ryan newburn ahoyczw Elinthesky dredogg AngUCF711 SeiLuna Brea Grant Brooke Moreland Jesse Miles catoinstitute Joey Brooke Oberwetter Sommer Ross-Harper radleybalko coledavis GeneHealy brandondarnold The IHS Robmontz