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@megp I guess that is why there are so many odd names. Book reference is Penguin Dictionary of First Names
choosing middle name is hard, still at it, max is a harder name to pair with than Oscar was
random name generator came up with Daedalus Prospero Serpell-Bell - quite awesome, but we are sticking with max
liking for rapid exploration of names and meanings
picking a middle name for Max
@fraserspeirs given they didn't buy, I think Apple buying Flickr is unlikely. Apple seems to not really get the web.
one of our cats weed on power strip beside my desk, annoying. Plug socket is behind heavy bookcase of course.
at home with one boy, wife and other one are out. Quiet night of writing planned, though a glass of red is very tempting
the faff of doing doing expenses at least reminds me of the fun I had creating them
@infovore it is the anti-hotel california move, check out and never check back in edits.
Provigil and friends in the Guardian a scientific viewpoint and note for caution
just picked myself out of the secret santa bowl oops, trying again
we have a first name, Max and we have a surname, Serpell-Bell. We need help with a middle name, your suggestions welcome thanks
"it is on the G drive". hmm, the 1990s called they want your windows centric drive mapping lunacy back (proper server and path please)
Retweeting @agentgav: Big news for AMEE today: O'Reilly, USV and TAG invest. (excellent timely news)
Steven Chu's Nobel prize was really clever, using lasers to slow atoms to create exotic matter leading to laser tweezers etc
replacing the word "it" in my writing on a regular basis, it is wooly and weak
working from home is cold, but you get to have lunch with your lovely wife. Now, giving in and putting the heating on "on"


Tony Stubblebine Evan Williams rabble kellan Sarah Milstein Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest David Smith danah boyd Mary Hodder Matt Jones peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Jerry Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Dan Saffer Dave Morin Jason Calacanis lane Giles Turnbull Michael Sippey Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Sutha Kamal Cameron Marlow Robert Brook Stewart Butterfield Mark Simpkins Thor Muller Molly E. Holzschlag Cal Henderson brady forrest Steve Ganz
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