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I can't find a decet Tweeter OS X desktop client. Maybe I should get an iPhone, since all the nice clients are there? =P
tonight gaming night at home, if you're into board games, drop by from 8pm to 8am =) And bring interesting games if you have some!
@gilesgoatboy: @kneath: ideally, power would be cordless from the ac adapter, and we wouldn't be dicussing this =P
@gilesgoatboy you're still in time to kill them >:-)
@chalain say -v Cellos 'nananananananananananana ding!'
@shortyawards I nominate @sockington in #humor - best cat around
@rubyist, ah, cool, I'll have to look more thoroughly at hudson =) let me know how it goes with integrity
@rubyist I only saw the video @jimweinrich linked, how do the build scripts work, do you have to write ANT scripts?!
apparently for NatsuLion (@natsulion) window transparency at "0%" is transparent, transparency at "100%" is opaque. Go figure.
@rubyist have you seen integrity? What do you like about hudson? (I am biased, btw =P)
omg my tea-bags are more promiscuous than torchwood's personnel
@mislav well, the "no movement whatsoever, not even beachball, just the whole screen froze and you have to reboot" is pretty horrifying too.
just had lunch, at 6pm
@imagetic streaks looks great. Now I need an iphone =P
@joshowens yup, that's what @linode was saying :)
twitter halp! anyone knows of a way to effectively test thinking-sphinx with cucumber? (one that does not involve stubbing ;-))


rabble gaba Pat Malarkey Obie Avdi Luke Redpath Jacqui Maher Dan Webb Nicole Ramsey microformats Kyle Neath Andrew Dupont Tobias Lütke Chris Wanstrath John Resig Skitch Josh Owens elliottcable Justin Palmer rick Scott Barron sohmer c3 SB Giles Tim Goh Corey Donohoe matthew lyon Tim Lucas Tobie Langel why the lucky stiff Jeff Smick Will Duncan Bruno