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MIND YOU I'm no twitterati.
64 followers & i hit 1,000? what could 1,000 people possibly want to hear from me. holy shitoli.
wishing i could suck the snot out of my kid's nose with a whatchamacallit like i did when she wuz a baby.
alphacat's a funny dude - good advice here tho seriouslyyy.
@busblog - shakespierce WHAZUPPPPP!
f**king potatoes are not cheap!
i wonder what percentage of people living in the bay area get money from their parents every month. hrrrm.
OH WAIT! I don't have a job! I have a bizness! I know gas is down again. What's blood goin' for these days?
wondering if i could sell my job.
long time ago i had (as in de-organization). i shoulda kept it.
but hurry up. and someone tell gary turner to wake up blogtank. kthx.
i'll sign up for the service. value for me: $25/month. plus you can charge me some sort of small percentage once i reach $500 in transfers.
options: take pay in amazon $, take pay in paypal $, bank xfer, save in account to x amount then mail check., available, start a micro-pay biz, xfer tiny payments, take fractions of a cent or use ad or subscriber biz model.
The best technology is transparent.
I want the bank of me paying the bank of you. me2you commerce. fuck e-commerce. this is time for we-commerce. all hands on deck.
@RonKJeffries - good question. I'm not sure of the answer. It takes a chunk. The perception of the recipient is - WTF? I lost $5 or $10...!
I have an hour's worth of work to be done. Why do I need an hourly employee. Give me a way to micropay and the blogosphere is my talent pool
Paypal's not practical - too expensive for micropayments.
the time for microcommerce is NOW. There are jobs I have I'd pay folks $10, $20, $50 to do.


Biz Stone Evan Williams Chris Wetherell Buzz Andersen Peter Berg danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Ross om Nick Douglas Ken peterme Mr Messina Coty Rosenblath Scott Beale Buster McLeod Dave Winer Jason Calacanis George Kelly Giles Turnbull Adam Kazwell Fred Oliveira Stewart Butterfield Caterina Josh Hallett Dean Landsman Mustafa Maluka Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Heath Row Brian Clark Colleen Wainwright George Appiah Michael O'CC
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