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Listening to @RealJim get started.
Ok, Florida. I'm pretty sure the last few days were our "winter" and now we are offcially into "pre-summer" now.
I have GOT to start using the next intersection down....I hate dealing with the school crossing gaurds...
@dotboom Credit where it is due, that was pretty outlandish. Opus is impressed.
@comix Yes. All of that and more. But mainly to cover up the fact that Elvis is Bigfoot is Chupacabara is Nessie is Jesus is Bob is REAL!
@juliaroy Whoa. Just from avatar and @Galindafied were seperated @ birth.
@hodgman Any ideas what the "BIG List" in the next book will be? Inquiring Molemanics want to know....
@comix I <3 Coast to Coast AM & I am DEATHLY afraid of "Shadow People", but even I know the Jersey Devil is an Illuminatus front for ......
@trivabot WORST. Way. To. Go...........EVER!
@Roadhacker Delaware always makes me think of Wayne's world. "Hey, we're in.......Delaware...." - My wife rigged a clothesline out of bike hooks & fishing line. I am a lucky man.
@Somacow Hey! Now that you're single (ladies, take note, my boy Mickey is a CATCH!), you up for trivia tonight? Tweetup w/ @danieldennis ?
@somacow I know the first time I heard about the $1/gallon gas rumor (six months ago, when gas was $4+!) was from
@somacow I had heard that there was a rumor to the effect that there would be $1/gallon gas by march of '09...but who could be responsible? - We OWN the pizza hut. NOBODY else here. - This is our window. The Wife thinks the wording is on purpose...
The wife is INSISTING against all protestations on taking me out tonight. I am a lucky man.
I am feeling the pee in my's a man thing....
@RealJim You've said it for years, some people have no respect for theatre. Hence my audience marshall program. They would have tasers.
@roadhacker I don't believe it can truly be found on the internet. Some pretty damn good imitations out there, though.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Adam Rugel Evan Williams Martin Hall Alfonso Surroca Joseph Matheny Antonio Edward Eric Christensen (jeff)isageek Carlos Granier Joe Beaver Mistress Genevieve Elke Von Freudenberg Chaitanya Sagar Chris Brogan Whitney Hoffman Bill Palmer Dave LaMorte Michael Bailey Jay Moonah Doug Haslam Jim Long Jeff Persch Teressa Flye Kuanyin Moi Jack Hodgson Alex de Carvalho eMan Mark Blevis stanley Raanan Avidor ophelia Todd R Jordan
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