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@cutandsewn Is that a serious recommendation? If so, I'll check it out
@Caronne Near the fountain #nocleanfeed #canberra
We failed to secure a band to play today so now I'm frantically hunting down some unlicensed/CC music to put on iPod
RT @pmstudent SCRUM in Under 10 Minutes <-- great video
@benrhughes Hmm ok I'll try that, thanks
Foul taste in my mouth ...
Off to bed. Everyone don't forget to attend your local #nocleanfeed rally! For Canberra, it's at City Walk 12pm
Back from gig. Leaving the drumkit in the car - I can't be arsed right now. Going to relax for an hour. Tomorrow will be full on.
@NismoR034 It is not brilliant it's raining. I'm trying to recover from the flu plus just had a gig and now my drumkit is all wet :-(
Dude at party: "Got on Facebook, threw a sheep at someone and lost interest". He thinks FB is 'juvenile'
Drunk party people playing with my conga drums. C'mon people, take us seriously!
@Alegrya Yep we're still planning on having a CTUB on Monday night ... I'll get right onto promoting it once I have ... um, spare time
Tee hee caption award of the day goes to @Allyeska for her lolbaby photo
Plan for tomorrow: Go set up for #nocleanfeed rally, run it, pack up then go to work. Sunday: Work, all day. Yay! :'(
Run in the front door, quickly throw some frozen butter chicken on the stove, rice in the cooker, check email, eat then off to play at gig
@trib AFAICT mostly about the Internet filter lol
RIP Bettie Page 1923-2008
Working on weekends, now with financial incentive!
690 comments have been published so far on DBCDE blog, Minister Tanner's Welcome post


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams veen Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Jason Calacanis Dan Cederholm Serdar Kiliç Molly E. Holzschlag Mick Liubinskas Phil Morle Greg Lexiphanic Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Lachlan Hardy Maxine Sherrin Nic Hodges Kitta Michael Newby lisa Jeremy Keith Andreas Lienemann Tantek Çelik Tim Riley Derek Featherstone Snook Michael Specht Krissy that grum guy! Peter Asquith Ryan Carson Sarah Russ Cameron Adams Lisa Miller
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