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Glad someone paid it forward @jonwile
Wondering if there will be singing.
@dorsey Don't you understand social media? This IS the way it's supposed to work. (Peace.)
Good form? @marcelh putting up with journalism talk from me + @jonwile
@dorsey Thanks for your help. Richard deserves our collective appreciation. An amazing influence.
Pretty happy with @jonwile
Karaoke beckons.
Praying @bgaspard will return to the land of sane drinking soon. Best wishes to James from The Rev, though.
@bgaspard Wait, I had good guidance. You like it. Do I need to call my niece to come rescue you?
Reflecting on Richard Curtis' retirement from USA TODAY ...
Sending @bgaspard to the site of @jonathonberlin's wedding reception in Denver. Watch out.
Walking in the wind and rain. Watching the umbrella do a weird dance.
@MercPai That's definitely cause for caution.
Just ended a conference call that was well worth having.
Exercising the mind. Feels pretty good.
Rainy day in DC kind of getting me down. Thank goodness it's not also Monday.
Drat. Flash training that I want to attend is the same time as annual trek to Syracuse.
Official congrats @adinges ... Kudos!


noah veen davegray Wayne Sutton Ross Tara missrogue Hunt Rob Matt Cutler Scott Beale Peter Rothman Antonio Edward Elliott Ng toxi Chaitanya Sagar Mark Frauenfelder Jim Long Lee LeFever Derek Featherstone Dan Rubin Robert Scoble Jeff Croft Steve Rhodes Martin Ringlein rands Anil Dash Hugh MacLeod Jeffrey Zeldman Vonster Jeremiah joshuamckenty Matt Thommes Thomas Hawk Rob Knight Connie Reece arincrumley Mark Friesen
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