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Brilliant day. 7am conference call, greasy spoon fry-up, coffee at the wolesley with a chap that collects tanks and now with @benhammersley
Getting ready for a 7am conference call with Greg Mortimer (a bit of a legend - )
Fabulous dinner with the GTDmeister David Allen, his wonderful wife and the awesome Bruce Somers. Ace Thai food at Nahm in Belgravia
Brilliant rant by Roger Ebert - "The CelebCult virus is eating our culture alive"
@dukeswharf Asnes Amundsen skis (these used to be called Rago) and probably Rottefella manual BC bindings - we're still working on this!
@brookthere I love running when it's frosty and crisp (though my throat isn't thanking me for it). Off to make honey and lemon now :) x
@sarahemarshall if you're geeky enough to know what a torrent is (and cheeky enough to ignore the questionable legality)
@brookthere well, you know what my answer would be
Heavy Metal in Baghdad - the best documentary film I've seen in yonks. If you're in the UK it's on the BBC iPlayer
Just finished an hour sat on the turbo trainer watching WALL-E. Time to eat
Air-drumming to Phil Collins in the office. Dear oh dear.
Ugh. Woke up with a full-on throat infection. Any top tips on how not to lose my voice before an event this afternoon?
Man alive! I've spent nearly 11 hours sat at my desk. Lucky it's a rest day
@psychovertical I'm not sure about 'chinky' but using the word 'tea' is offensive to all of us southerners who'd call it supper
@lancearmstrong I thought it was just me that did that! Let me know if Touching the Void has whetted your appetite for post-TdF adventure...
Decent 10-mile run with some of the elites from Ful-On Tri club in Richmond Pk this morning. Not much energy left for the rest of my Sunday
About to run to the gym. It's cold, dark and raining and my TV and sofa are silently beckoning me, so I dug this out -
Cold ride this morning (even by my standards). Got my arse kicked for the last 30 mins by someone in Rapha-Condor kit
Writing a mammoth to-do list for the weekend. No rest for the wicked


Biz Stone noah Evan Williams John Hornbaker Meg Hourihan Zach Klein photomatt jon gisby Johnnie Moore Oli Barrett Simon Collison Hobo Jones hotdogsladies richard sambrook Fred Wilson Jim Coudal Ethan Zuckerman Jason Kottke Richard Mulholland Andrew Rasiej Nick Jaffe Tony Haile Blu Mar Ten Kirsten Cluthe Jerry Colonna The North Face richardbranson JasonWomack zefrank Tim Ferriss felicity_aston Roz Savage andy_murray telegraphnews Alastair Humphreys