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@micah: Ok. Fine. I will admit...I was entertained. There. You win.
@micah: There is not enough wine in the world to watch BIO 2, 3 and 4. Holy hell. I went through 2 bottles getting through this one. ;)
@micah @bizgirl: You will be happy to know, Crenshaw wins...and I curse you both.
@ikepigott is the bees knees...just saying.
@mikesansone: I can kill his account, he can recreate, I can kill. So is the circle. Thinking I will keep him out of the wiki for now.
And @bizgirl: I just got a dose of 'spirit fingers'.
@micah: It is you who is to blame as I sit here watching Bring It On: All Or Nothing (Heroes star is in it and I am glued). ::raises fist::
@mikesansone: I know I should - but I hate these jerks get away with this - especially when I can actually track it back to someone.
Being told to NOT write about a specific spammer hitting the SMC PBwiki site...but I want to call him out. Thoughts?
Helping the secretary spread with a handful of peanut butter cups. Thinking I should find a different source of protein - like pronto.
@darbysea: Hoping to get to BlogOrlando in '09. Bummed to miss '08, had two other events around same time we had already committed to.
And to my 'friend' who just sent me 30+ individual emails all saying 'hi' as a joke...not funny.
@darbysea: Thinking 3 would be good - one for me, one for @chrisheuer and one for @socialmediaclub. @ethnicomm: It's an oldie, but a goodie.
No wonder I have a serious case of the secretary spread. Where are my tennis shoes?
It also just hit me I have been at the computer for 10+ hours today. On a Sunday. Too.Much.On.Plate.Must.Learn.To.Say.No. Gah.
@bmann @lgpiper: Sucks as I was caught up a month process needed for sure. Thinking about going to 'get me by phone only' mode. :)
I have become Kristie, the Facebook group creator...and I am not sure that is a good thing.
I can't star emails in Gmail as it simply creates more work. Must handle them as they come in says the girl staring at 197 starred emails.
@Pandaran: You will be judged by both whipper snappers and gray hairs. Can't worry about what they think - just do good work & thrive.
@micah @BizGirl: Nice, will add that to my party trivia list. :)


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