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today appears to be difficult email day
this music makes me feel like i'm having some kind of seizure
i am having A Night In Talking To Friends On The Internet.
<emotion><intensity value="0.7" confidence="0.8"/><category set="everydayEmotions" name="joy" confidence="0.5"/></e ......
Meeting and interconnectedness at TVC.
@jwheare that's it! thanks :)
can anyone remember that UK company that delivers snack fruit and nuts in the post, equivalent to 3 portions/day?
as on a stationary heavy train, when the feeling of momentum is first, faintly felt, but before there is motion. today: several locomotives.
oh, that is really very, very good news.
reading Goblin Market and wallowing in the rolling words
@andrhia careless of me sorry. will stick to tales of the goblin war, which took me to the core of the earth, & to the surface of the sun.
anothercupoftea & then maybe i will makealistofthingsthatneedtobedone & also haveanicesitdown oh & stop me if this is too exciting for you.
what used to take me an hour to code now takes 10 times as long, but is also 10 times as pleasing when it works. i am rusty old man.
Hanging out in Westfield, writing code and overlooking what appears to be the Fortress of Solitude
@arwenogriffith the fox gave me a magic lantern and I have spent the last 10 yrs fighting the goblin king. for you, only a night has passed.
Walking, hello, a fox.
ps. a person sorrowfully and extremely prettily woke me up. I am ashamed.
In 8 years I've never fallen asleep on the tube and ended up at the end of the line. Hello Ealing Broadway!
Scaring Americans.


kellan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest veen David Smith danah boyd Matt Jones peterme Brian Oberkirch lane Timo foe Giles Turnbull Michael Sippey joshua schachter Peter Lindberg Caterina Jyri Engeström termie Mark Hall webponce danhon Meg Hourihan Jeremy Keith spaceboy russell Leslie Chicoine ChrisH Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Meg Pickard Phil Gyford jamesb James Wheare Tom Armitage Bobbie Johnson
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