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Nebraska pulls it off in 5 sets, taking the 5th set 15-13 on a service ace from Larson. Talk about a nail biter. Wow. To Omaha!
It's so cold in my apartment this morning.
@dwheezy Also, if you want to see more Kristen Bell, I highly recommend checking out Reefer Madness (a Showtime-produced musical remake).
@dwheezy Or rather her going through the FBI academy or something.
@dwheezy There was actually a short pilot shot for a new VM series with her working for the FBI.
@dwheezy You make me want to break out my Veronica Mars DVDs tonight.
"BC Hydro is experiencing wide spread electrical problems with multiple feeders covering the Lower Mainland and Gulf Islands."
@mezzoblue Just flickered here on Mainland St. Still out for you?
Yahoo lays off George Oates (Flickr top designer):
Snow tomorrow and throughout weekend. Guess that puts a damper on the club ride on Saturday.
@dwheezy It was serious. Also, Incredibles is awesome.
@ritchierocks Awesome, let me know what you think.
@dwheezy You are an endless source of entertainment tonight.
RT @factoryjoe (via @designstamp): Probably the most brilliant sponsorship of a 404 page I've ever seen:
@jinkies I agree. But I'm also a fan of chips with any combination of sea salt and cracked black pepper.
Going curling this weekend for the first time ever. That should be interesting.
Tired before midnight for once.
Seriously, Vancouver? A 7-minute power play and you can't get one in the net?
@diesh Meetings are always festive if you bring cookies.


Dunstan Dan Cederholm Molly E. Holzschlag Dan Benjamin Justine Kjell Olsen Veronica Belmont David Young Jason Hoffman Keith Jeremy Keith Michael Koziarski Tantek Çelik Hickensian Garrett Murray Richard Rutter Ryan Schwartz Wilson Miner Snook Garrett Dimon Dan Rubin Veerle Pieters Jeff Croft Grant Hutchinson Greg Storey John Gruber Cameron Moll Malarkey Brad Choate teh_real_chock raena Tom Watson Jason Santa Maria Jeffrey Zeldman Mike Davidson Khoi Vinh
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