Library of Congress >> MARC >>Bibliographic >> 00X >> 008 >> 008 (All Materials)

008 - All Materials (NR)

MARC 21 Bibliographic - Concise

Character Positions
00-05 - Date entered on file
Computer-generated, six-character numeric string that indicates the date the MARC record was created. Recorded in the pattern yymmdd.
06 - Type of date/Publication status
One-character alphabetic code that indicates that categorizes the type of dates given in 008/07-10 (Date 1) and 008/11-14 (Date 2). For continuing resources, the code in 008/06 also indicates the publication status.
The choice of code for 008/06 is made concurrently with a determination of the appropriate dates for 008/07-14. For most records data is derived from information in field 260 (Publication, Distribution, etc. (Imprint)), field 362 (Dates of Publication and/or Sequential Designation), or from note fields.
b - No dates given; B.C. date involved
Each character position in fields 008/07-10 and 008/11-14 contains a blank.
c - Continuing resource currently published
008/07-10 contain the beginning date of publication; 008/11-14 contain the characters 9999.
d - Continuing resource ceased publication
008/07-10 contain the beginning date of publication; 008/11-14 contain the date the item ceased to be published.
e - Detailed date
008/07-10 contain the year and 008/11-14 contain the month and day formatted mmdd.
i - Inclusive dates of collection
k - Range of years of bulk of collection
m - Multiple dates
008/07-10 usually contain the initial (or beginning) date and 008/11-14 the terminal (or ending) date.
n - Dates unknown
Dates appropriate for 008/07-10 and 008/11-14 are unknown, (e.g., when no dates are given in field 260).
p - Date of distribution/release/issue and production/recording session when different
q - Questionable date
Earliest possible date is given in 008/07-10; latest possible date in 008/11-14.
r - Reprint/reissue date and original date
008/07-10 contain the date of reproduction or reissue; 008/11-14 contain the date of the original, if known. 008/11-14 contain code u ("uuuu"), if unknown.
s - Single known date/probable date
008/07-10 contain the date; 008/11-14 contain blanks (####).
t - Publication date and copyright date
u - Continuing resource status unknown
008/07-10 contain a beginning date of publication; 008/11-14 contain the characters uuuu since no ending date is known.
| - No attempt to code
07-10 - Date 1
Determination of dates for 008/07-10 is made concurrently with the choice of code for 008/06. See the section above on 008/06 for examples and input conventions related to coded date information. The use of fill characters in 008/07-10, although possible, is discouraged since the data in Date 1 is used for retrieval and duplicate detection in many systems. When fill is used in 008/07-10, all four positions must contain the fill character.
1-9 - Date digit
# - Date element is not applicable
u - Date element is totally or partially unknown
|||| - No attempt to code
11-14 - Date 2
Determination of dates for 008/11-14 is made concurrently with the choice of code for 008/06. See the section above on 008/06 for examples and input conventions related to coded date information. Four fill characters (||||) are used when no attempt has been made to code these character positions.
1-9 - Date digit
# - Date element is not applicable
u - Date element is totally or partially unknown
|||| - No attempt to code
15-17 - Place of publication, production, or execution
Two- or three-character alphabetic code that indicates the place of publication, production, or execution. Place code is an authoritative-agency data element. Code from: MARC Code List for Countries. Choice of a MARC code is generally related to information in field 260 (Publication, Distribution, etc. (Imprint)). The code recorded in 008/15-17 is used in conjunction with field 044 (Country of Producer Code) when more than one code is appropriate to an item. The first code in subfield $a of field 044 is recorded in 008/15-17. Three fill characters (|||) may be used in place of a valid code, but their use in 008/15-17 is discouraged. The data in this field 008 data element is used for retrieval and duplicate detection in many systems. When fill is used in 008/15-17, all three positions must contain the fill character.
35-37 - Language
Three-character alphabetic code that indicates the language of the item. Code from: MARC Code List for Languages. Choice of a MARC code is based on the predominant language of the item. Three fill characters (|||) may also be used if no attempt is made to code the language or if non-MARC language coding is preferred (and coded in field 041 (Language code)).
38 - Modified record
One-character code that indicates whether any data in a bibliographic record is a modification of information that appeared on the item being cataloged or that was intended to be included in the MARC record.
Codes are assigned a priority (recorded in the order of the following list) that determines which code is input when more than one code applies to the item.
# - Not modified
d - Dashed-on information omitted
o - Completely romanized/printed cards romanized
r - Completely romanized/printed cards in script
s - Shortened
Some of the data was omitted because the data exceeded the maximum length allowed by the system used to create or process it.
x - Missing characters
Record contained characters that could not be converted to machine-readable form (e.g., incidental nonroman characters on predominantly roman alphabet records, mathematical symbols, etc.).
| - No attempt to code
39 - Cataloging source
One-character code that indicates the original cataloging source of the record. If the cataloging source is known, it is identified in subfield $a of field 040 (Cataloging Source).
# - National bibliographic agency
c - Cooperative cataloging program
Creator of the cataloging data is a participant (other than a national bibliographic agency) in a cooperative cataloging program.
d - Other
u - Unknown
| - No attempt to code

Library of Congress >> MARC >>Bibliographic >> 00X >> 008 >> 008 (All Materials)
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