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the house feels so empty, but my heart is full. Time to start counting the days again. 31 to go.
deleting my pownce account—I went to export my data and found nothing worth saving, really.
@movie_pundit w00t! Congratulations to you and Dr. Mom, and welcome baby Kiran!
@yogitechchick I like your new profile photo! agreed the other one looked like a gym teacher. Not bad, just not you. =)
crabby that I can't fix iphoto and my camera has about a month's worth of photos to download.
temporarily broke my vegetarian fast to have a few nibbles of turducken. so very worth it. nom nom cajun spices nom.
thrilled that @teleject is here, but now we are both sick. trying to work up the energy to cook dinner. would much rather nap.
much productivity apparently means listening to much Sonic Youth.
reminded of an old favorite song: "empty prayer, empty mouths, talk about the passion."
after a fabulous morning of yoga, am now knee-deep in an afternoon of GRE prep. math is hard. can I go back to yoga now?
unscientific poll, based on the leftover contents of the office candy stash: nobody likes lollipops.
realizing it's the little things, like the fact that he knows all the words to that Quad City DJs song, that make me love him so.
@opinionbastard yeah, just one sullied breeze among the winds of change. (omg did I just type that out loud? *gag*)
first practice GRE: aced the verbal section in half the time allotted, which makes up for the deuce I almost dropped on the math section.
giggling with my six-year-old as he reveals a secret crush: apparently he fell for a woman in the passport office months ago.
@me3dia I thought that was an SEO thing.
@christinebpc I once had a pediatrician recommend children's benadryl as a "way to make road trips more tolerable" for parent AND child.
retweeting @coffeemike because it got me RIGHT THERE:


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