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Next round of video blog posts from Singapore, featuring Xmas typhoons, digital trees and illuminated kites(!!):
Second round of video blog posts from Singapore are up at - now with spice trails and Christmas lights!
One hopeful cure for jetlag: setting up videoblog entries of the Singaporean excursion so far...
Setting up camp in the hotel in Singapore, contemplating buying a power strip and a SG charger for my Nintendo DS tomorrow
Still on the tarmac at Logan, not even 8AM, the 12-hour flight to London has yet to begin - and a baby is already crying. I feel ya, kid.
My friends and family are awesome: birthday included buying a freezer, checking out Christmas lights downtown, and red velvet cupcakes!
Dinging 31.
@wren It's official: it's naptime.
@peterkim That's why the T is so popular. (Not that much less crowded, though...)
After months of polishing and tweaking, the first Julius Schwartz Lecture DVD, starring Neil Gaiman (!), is about ready to hit the streets!
@GrandCentralPub After viewing the promo video at Amazon, THE MONSTER OF FLORENCE sounds fantastic - a copy would be great!
It's remarkable how even a *good* dentist's appointment can almost completely annihilate any momentum you might have had beforehand.
About to dig into an absolutely terrifying backlog of e-mail. Somebody pass me my brass goggles and pickaxe.
Just finished putting up our Christmas tree, now trying to decide what to do with the rest of the day. God bless the holidays.
Currently basking in the warm, luxurious glow of having successfully completed NaNoWriMo 2008:
ZOMG I just got rickrolled by the Macy's Day parade! Nice job to @LawD and company...!
This Thanksgiving, I'm grateful my friend Parmesh is safe in Mumbai. Man, what a world
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!
Inspiration 1: breaking 41K in #NaNoWriMo. Inspiration 2: @maximolly showing how to rock academia in your 30s. Happy birthday, girlwonder!
10-90 seconds to respond to any given click (longer numbers include Pinwheel of Death) = using Safari is hazardous to one's blood pressure.


Thomas Vander Wal George Kelly Derek Powazek Cameron Marlow Stewart Butterfield Caterina Scott Andrew Ben Brown Heath Row Kristin Meg Hourihan Tom Bridge MJ Leia Scofield Leonard  C.C. Chapman Julie Johnston Ricky Ernie Hsiung Josh Benton Anil Dash Kevin Smokler molly joanne  mcneil Josette Torres Jay Allen Jeffrey Zeldman Josh Micawave Rik Rachel Clarke James McNally jish TheBrad TIGS rekha6
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