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Help @pattidigh choose the 4th wall of a "writing shed" along w/ dry-erase wall, chalkboard wall, & bulletin board wall. I think velcro.
@davidleeking diff btwn me & good public speaker--I can get up there ONLY because I care so much for the topic. Pro speakers can just do it
@t not saying I *recommend* doing it (what the whole felony thing), but it can be a provocative thought experiment / rabbit hole
@retrogrrl the way I felt about public speaking until recently: terror, ill. Still have stage fright, but it gets better... can even be fun.
@t 100% NOT ethical. Also big diff between forcing them to do what WE think would improve their life, & forcing THEM to do what they choose
Tired Q: "what would you do if you knew you wouldn't fail?" Fight Club Q: "what do you wish you'd be forced to do at gunpoint?"
@copyblogger Fav Fight Club scene: forcing the clerk (at gunpoint) to follow his dream to be a vet "Tomorrow, breakfast will taste better."
@rotkapchen true, but meta point is, if you can't do what you *normally* do, what ELSE might you do? (in old days, broken TV==games, books)
@kevinmarks After all, if your dog "knows" when you're driving home... [didn't you have that talk at Google?]
@kevinmarks I was thinking more sci-fi, eg. we go from tweeting talks in RT to telepathic extraction & tweeting of what speaker WILL say. :)
@kevinmarks me too! If the progression is "looking for something to blog about later" to "looking for something to tweet NOW", what's next?
@evilrob VERY important point re: attendees-as-reporters... you cannot simultaneously fully engage w/event AND type it all in real-time
@evilrob can't argue with that one -- taking questions from around the world in real-time == definitely interesting.
@johntunger that's a good reason, but smaller events (sub-SXSW size), a bulletin board (atoms, not bits) worked fine for arranging meetups.
@evilrob do we really know that 'net connection makes events "more interesting"? Or do those things help compensate for event weaknesses
RT @tkunau : "happened at NextWeb in Amsterdam & everyone stopped typing and started talking. Best conference in years"
@vinylart yes! Like those 24-hour filmmaking or music making jams or the ad-hoc-game society... what can you make in a locked away weekend?
@johntunger Events were hugely successful before expectation of net connection, so what has changed? & have we traded something for this?
@burke_eric perfect! You'll have to pay MORE to attend the super special elite unconnected event. Didn't Scoble do "off the grid camp"?
@imrananwar true ;) when we had our last long power outage, the first two days were about complaining, then we broke out the board games


Biz Stone Evan Williams Marc Hedlund Rael Dornfest veen davegray danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Ross Beau Nitin Borwankar om tedr Dave McClure Andrew Crow Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Hillary Hartley Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Josh Bancroft thomasknoll Dave Morin Jason Calacanis George Kelly Kyle Fred Oliveira randy stewart Alan Bradburne Thor Muller Molly E. Holzschlag brady forrest Jyri Engeström David Parmet
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