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@librarianbyday If you do, let me know. I have 500 or so a day and it is getting to be TOO MUCH:)
@ksader I think this bears repeating. DEATH!
@ksader If it has been played in a dance club in the last week it is forbidden under pain of death. Just sayin....
@kayhaswings Almost forgot about this one. They are really struggling since govt cut funding.
Read 100 pages tonight. Wish I could have finished the book so I could crossi it off my list but I have got to get some sleep.
I wonder if anyone would notice if I went home 12 minutes early. I haven't had a question in two hours.
Am I the only one who doesn't get the point of the Twitter Experiment? Since everyone is signed up on Twitter why join a Facebook Group?
@MySpyderWeb Nope. For my committe I have to actually read them, not listen to them:)
@MySpyderWeb Maybe once I am done with my book award committee. I can't knit and hold a book at the same time:)
Since I am on every site known to man should I also signup for Ravelry even though I don't knit OR crochet? I feel like I am missing out.
Myspace just suggested that I might want to be friends with Mayor Funkhouser.
@TheDLC live pretty close to the part-time job. If you brought the food over I could taste-test your recipe for you.
@zephoria Assuming you make it up the hill, congratulations!
@NobleRot Walmart is evil. Run...Run like the wind!
This is my last Sunday to work until January 11th. I am so happy! I think this calls for cupcakes.
Cheating and watching Angels in America instead of reading it for the next book discussion.
I think I need to get a run in before work. Maybe it will pep me up?


danah boyd Derek Gathright (jeff)isageek Dustin Jacobsen infogdss29 Jenni Tom Guarriello Jenny Levine jessamyn west Eric Rogers Kaia Anna laura gayle Ed Roberts Michael Stephens Chris Duckett Ramsey Mohsen Robin Hastings Barack Obama David Lee King Joe Cascio rochelle hartman Kansas City Weather Liza Hickey K.G. Schneider Michael Sauers Eolaí gan Fhéile Ryan Sholin linuxchic Michael Porter Mike Hochanadel Brenda Hough Julie James Patrick Binder cindi Andrew Finegan
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