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I drank at every vine. The last was like the first. I came upon no wine So wonderful as thirst. (Edna St. Vincent Millay)
Saturday night flushed cheeks and red wine. Thanks N. Carolina for the hospitality.
Chocolate cake and petite syrah for one. I'll make a birthday wish.
Here I am: In High Point, NC. It's my birthday.
Waiting for Barack to take the stage.
"there's a world beyond what we can see & touch, and that world lives by it's own laws." -Eddings
Ruminating on the fact that all smells are built from approximately 5 elements, H, O, N, S, C. The universe blows my mind.
@dan I bet you made some really nice dirt boogers. Ah, desert living.
@bensani use a screen protector,silly.
Off to the bookstore. Mmm fresh mags.
Lightening fills the sky and the rains pour from heaven.
Looks like I missed a bay area Radiohead concert! New Mexico is not on the tour... sadness ensues.
reading the USA Today article about Jack. i love celebrating the success of friends.
spring dreaming
Wanting to see friends in San Fran...
thinking about Barack, i like him.
coffee, snuggling with the bear, and new years thoughts
the leo moon is amazing right now!
Watching the snow fall.


Jack Dorsey Dan lux bensani