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Twitterless helps me know @TheDigitalLife and @CathyNagle stopped following me. Sad times.
@adelinesrhyme and @poodle649 mayaheee mayahoo...numa numa numyaih...*dances and sings along*
like @grhmbdgr, I do enjoy my time in a private bathroom doing my thing. is that awkward? have I just tainted (pun not intended) twitter?
tonite is going too slow. gonna need to see some speeding up in the time and space matrix. got that God? kthxbai
@CalamityJen the child services swat team is on the way. :-)
@sometimesidrool heh. Well here's hoping this one doesn't get traded in. Just be gentle :)
@sometimesidrool sad times! What he do, call you mufasa? :)
@sometimesidrool is this with your noob boyfriend? Or are you playin' with another man? :)
One more day with joint commision...then they fly away to terrorize some other hospital.
@dragonlady38 I'm a gonna throw my harry potter wand and glasses at you...that might help :-)
@1Day2BEAwesome dressed up walking with my palm pilot, getting my blogs in shape, plotting my youtube vids, singing weird all...ya know...:)
I be white and nerdy today...i mean more than the usual.
Joint commision just went one way and we sent a billion housekeepers rushing in front of them
working for a living...come on weekend!! -
jcaho day 4 and I'm ready for them to leave. all these special projects and running housekeepers takes a toll.
@DrewTheWolf it is like the best thing evah'! Warms me heart in times of trouble :)
upgrading my Wordpress (WP) blog(s) to 2.7 Here's hoping for smooth sailing!
A end to a very long day. This week of insanity needs to end also
My & my work buddy have been run so ragged this week we've lost our master binders a few times and can't really talk straight. Damn jcaho!


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