Reducing Undisbursed Balances at the Millennium Challenge Corporation

Undisbursed balances at the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) could be reduced. MCC provides aid to developing countries primarily through multiyear compact agreements aimed at reducing poverty and stimulating economic growth. MCC has received appropriations for fiscal years 2004 to 2008 totaling more than $7.5 billion and has set aside about $6.4 billion of this amount for compacts. The President has requested an additional $2.225 billion for MCC for 2009. GAO projects that MCC, at its current pace of compact development, will not obligate the balance of its current and requested appropriations until the end of 2010 and has cited several factors that could lengthen this projected time frame. In addition, as of December 2007, actual disbursements for MCC compacts were about 25 percent of planned disbursements. Unless disbursements increase significantly, MCC could have significant obligated but undisbursed balances when the compacts expire and may not be able to fully achieve its compact goals. GAO will continue to examine MCC's rate of obligations and disbursements to give Congress the analysis needed to identify cost savings in MCC's annual budget requests.

^ Back to topKey Reports

Millennium Challenge Corporation: Summary Fact Sheets for 11 Compacts Entered into Force
GAO-08-1145R, September 26, 2008
Millennium Challenge Corporation: Independent Reviews and Consistent Approaches Will Strengthen Projections of Program Impact
GAO-08-730, June 17, 2008
Millennium Challenge Corporation: Analysis of Compact Development and Future Obligations and Current Disbursements of Compact Assistance
GAO-08-577R, April 11, 2008
Millennium Challenge Corporation: Vanuatu Compact Overstates Projected Program Impact
GAO-07-909, July 11, 2007
Millennium Challenge Corporation: Compact Implementation Structures Are Being Established; Framework for Measuring Results Needs Improvement
GAO-06-805, July 28, 2006
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portrait of David B. Gootnick

David B. Gootnick

Director, International Affairs and Trade

(202) 512-3149