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@haacked Hey, you know me, I have to be colorful. ;) Thanks again.
@haacked THEN I would use a prefix. I'm okay with complexity in complex cases. The base case is more complex than it should be, imo.
@haacked This isn't a bad strategy though, I think I can live with it. Thanks for the help.
@haacked Ah, okay. That's my complaint. If I don't specify a prefix anywhere, it means I don't want a prefix. :)
@haacked (refresh) And yes, I agree about the name. :D
@haacked I should mention, the post is via AJAX. (jQuery.form, actually)
@haacked You mean in the action that generates the form? That doesn't seem to work
@haacked I'm loving ASP.NET MVC, but the requirement for [Bind(Prefix="")] is an abomination. :)
@jfarrell Want a crash course on SharedView sometime? :)
@mhinze The other bad part is that I don't see that anywhere in the documentation or blog posts. In fact ScottGu has contrary examples.
@mhinze Yeah, but then you use a prefix as a discriminator. *sigh*
@mhzine I just can't fathom why it works that way. The map is already model-driven. If I don't specify a prefix, I'M NOT USING ONE!
@mhzine WHY is that not the default behavior?
@mhinze )#*(&$(@*#&$*(&!@^#&^!@&#&^&#^$@#$@#
@mhinze Not using it. Just a bare model, all properties match input names.
Am I really an idiot? Why are my models all null? DefaultModelBinder, you are not my friend. >:(
@haacked +1 (would give +1000 if i could)
I've stuck with Subversion because of the tools, but I'm very close to moving to git.


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