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Dojo hacking with Ras Bolding at #basement
@alper At least that can't be automated.
Looking at a way too sIFR heavy page. Safari pulls < 20% CPU, Firefox almost 50%. Huh?
@graygunter I've told @sifr to go in hiding. It asked, why the anger?! "I'm just doing what browsers haven't!"
@alper You'd be handing over your access key to a whole bunch of people with poorly protected computers and low security standards.
@beep Dude I missed delivery yday due to shower! Turns out I'm on the good side of CPH regarding UPS distribution cntr, and they come early
@alper Regarding EDP, there's no way though that it's going to work without major data leaks. Just don't see it happening
Alu MacBook doesn't have power optimization settings anymore?!
@appoulsen Congrats with the little boy!
I can haz MacBook
Retweeting @dunstan: Like many other people I am enjoying this funny "Prop 8 - The Musical" vidayo:
@tizzle I guess quite a bit of traffic is routed through Sweden from here, yes.
First Snow of the Year by Hawksley Workman, while the second snow is falling.
Writing a Cache for my API calls. I heart dojo.Deferred
@stoweboyd Most tools support Textile. Not sure about hosted tools though. You could also convert to HTML
@matijs Luckily not. sIFR should be pretty independent from that though, or are you dealing with Ajaxy content changes?
@andr3 Ha! See bottom of page here: Basically, I need a way to navigate quickly to a file
Versions is lacking a "Go to File" dialog like TextMate has. Or, TextMate is lacking a "View in Versions" extension.
Off to #basement
@marks I'll have a MacBook on sale soon…


Dunstan Colin Schlüter Mr Messina Nikolaj Nyholm Dan Cederholm Alper Çugun brady forrest Anders Pollas Rahul ribot Stowe Boyd Thomas Purves Jason Hoffman Boris Mann Jeremy Keith Tantek Çelik Heilemann Hickensian Richard Rutter Aaron Gustafson Drew McLellan Simon Willison Matt Biddulph Beep. Snook Andy Hume Breyten Jessica Euan Semple Ben Cerveny Christian Heilmann Richard Brian Suda Cameron Adams Rob Mientjes Dannie
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