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@emmaboon 10.5.6 is an update to 10.5 (Leopard), you're on 10.4 (Tiger)
@ian_hocking nah, smooth as anything :-)
@tommack no, none at all!
also just updated to 10.5.6 on my MacBook Pro. that's probably enough installs/updates for one evening.
installed ubuntu as a dual boot with XP on old desktop PC using Wubi ( - incredibly easy!
bought the first clementines this season. Christmas tree can't be far behind.
The doctor grabbed my throat and yelled, "God's consolation prize!" ♫
@ramrod_newell that's part of the attraction though, no? but generally just seems one of the best/intelligent tv adaptions of crime novels
enjoying wallander more than most things on tv since morse
@CLaueR have you tried in case you used different openid?
"Oh what a world it seems we live in" ♫
twitterfeed: twitterfeed is runner-up in the mashable bloggers choice award 2008
@zapme thanks for following, good to meet you tonight!
@monkchips it means you won't get any work from procter & gamble
about to head into Soho for company xmas dinner
@andreatrasatti yes, I usually use I've only used the TB3 beta1 for a couple of hours, but it does seem quite nice..
trying Thunderbird 3.0 beta 1 - and liking the tabs
@weddingspotter something wrong with the links in the feed, they are all the same, but should be different, pointing to the diff. posts
fish'n chips and mushy peas


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