Paul Downey’s Favorites

James Governor
monkchips if people have good RIA links or stories like this one please @reply to @riaweekly or DM @cote or @monkchips. thanks!
tommorris In fact, I have an idea for an awesome YouTube meme: whenever Americans visit, get them to eat toast w/Marmite and video it.
sizemore @lloydshep Nonsense - he never cheated on Bagpuss and then appeared on Panorama to milk it before wrapping Ivor around a French underpass.
Paul Downey
psd most of the time retweeting isn't the guy on stage amplifying your question, it's annoying teenage echolalia in the audience
joannejacobs Life is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. (Thank you, CSM)
Michael(tm) Smith
sideshowbarker Most public ads (on trains and such) in Japan no longer use QR codes but instead use a "search box" convention (see...
Tim Bray
timbray OH: "You date your hardware vendor, but you marry Larry Ellison"
Stephen Fry
stephenfry I have nine macs!!!!!! I don't need another fucking mac. I just want ONE ARSING PC that isn't complete SHIT
ddunwoody seconding @kerryb - the most constructive criticism of software comes in a file named <something>.patch
Paul Downey
psd Google is an advertising company. Facebook is an advertising company. We're mostly immune to online advertising. There may be trouble ahead.
Dave Shea
mezzoblue I've discovered I can export from Illustrator to the open SVG format, open SVG in the open source InkScape, and re-save as XAML. Ironylolz.
Drew McLellan
drewm @obiwankimberly the problem with making coffee is you have to do it before you've had coffee.
Malarkey The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office.
Dave Shea
mezzoblue what does that say that I'm happier adding people I've met once as "friends" on Facebook over people I saw every day 15 years ago?
Paul Downey
psd you know, this Web thing isn't difficult, all you have to do is make things linkable and link to other things.
Drew McLellan
drewm Some people use BBEdit. Also; some people read physical newspapers, buy music on CDs and call their wife Mother.
Kevin Werbach
kwerb OK found the help file. You can't edit a Google docs spreadsheet offline yet. FAIL. I knew we should have used Socialtext for this!
Cennydd Bowles
Cennydd If you feel the urge to quantify the 'success' of your Twitter presence by rank or follower numbers, stop. You're probably a moron.
Mark Ng
markng @psmith twitter shouldn't be about who follows you, but who you follow. If they unfollow, no big deal.
Micah Baldwin
micah please dont tweet to someone "nice post." Go comment. Its like saying "look at me me me me me and how nice I am" instead of just doing it


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