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@monkchips Stopped using Word and switched to Google Docs ages ago. Only use it for one client now who insists on Word styles.
@ABridgwater Thought of searching in google and checking out a cached page?
It's 11pm and I've been working since 8am. Can I please go home now?
Malware-based financial account theft continues to be waaaay more organised and endemic than most of us realise. (PDF)
@dahowlett I give in. What's FIR? Tell me so I can ignore it.
Hi there, @802dotchris ! Another smart analyst in my twitterverse.
Daily routines. Me likey. Lord knows I need routine to keep focused. How about you? Courtesy my sweetie, @susanvertago
@jopkins Coo, thanks for that link. at micropr looks like an interesting service.
RT @timoreilly: ABy @sunlightnetwork: Shows word frequencies from congressional record, by member. < Cute!
@HollyWinter More for information-intensive, specialist apps like intelligence, pharma etc, I would have thought. Too pricey for horiz. apps
Didn't know @luica was a semi-pro photographer. Her ambition = to bring her Mandarin to advanced level. Mine is to get showered before noon.
I now grok email IMAP. Phew.
@scolvey Setting up new accounts: easy peasy. Migrating folder structures from other IMAP accounts with same domain name: big headache.
Ouch. Chrysler just announced it's shutting all 30 manufacturing plants for a month starting Friday. Here we go
Developing a healthy disrespect for IMAP in Gmail.
45m barrels of oil now stored on sea tankers due to glut. OPEC cuts production by 2.2m barrels. Tar sands firms must be freaking out. Good.
@timanderson (2) Servers & storage - spend down, virtualisation up. Move to SaaS. Networking & security spend static or up to support it.
@timanderson (1) Suggest will vary across sector. Tertiary economy firms b). Secondary economy firms a). Also varies by subset of IT.
Hello @pilchard7 ! Great to run across you again.


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