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@zrlram A loose CMM for analytics? Should be useful in visualization (showing the right things in the right way for the right reason).
Found via Excellent free .pdf book.
I'm such an aesthete. The Helvetireader skin (I made a fluid app for it) makes google reader my most favorite software application ever.
@mroesch That's why I went ahead and set my gmail accts in the iPhone mail app. I only use the gmail UI if I need to search.
@GeorgeVHulme RE: PT - Nothing if you do them right. Most people don't.
Things I'd do if I had a time machine #183- go back to 1970 just to see Porter Wagoner & Dolly Parton at The Opry
@helvetireader You are teh awesome. THANKS!
@danielrm26 But what did Arrington and Om say? Inquiring minds want to know!
@anton_chuvakin I'm gonna go with PCI. You can take flu meds, put some Pink Floyd on the iPod and have an OK time. Not so much with PCI.
Helvetica obsessed? Try this "theme" to google reader:
My favorite Flickr stream. Some guy who takes pictures of American entropy
Alex Trabeck is the most uptight killjoy on tv
Happy to be on a call with Wade Baker. He's just cool.
Why I gotta get outa this place:
Just got done with a day of FAIR training. It was really, really great. Looking forward to tomorrow.
@jeremiahg I'm wary of any study that suggests something across the board. Why should your risk tolerance = mine?
@rockyd That link went 404 on me. May I have another?


Opie Fred Oliveira B.K. DeLong Anil Dash Damon C jmcmurry Michael Bazzoni Will Carroll Sun Wukong Dan Philpott Mike Murray Window Snyder Edward Smiley But She's a Girl Rob Fuller Michael Ramm Mike McBride Steven Levy MichaelSantarcangelo Martin McKeay Michael Arrington Joshua Porter Michael David Sifry James Arlen Dave Lewis Tom Yarrish Aneel L TheFunded alan shimel Ming Yeow Ng Jason Chris Harrington Daniel Miessler abbi cabanding Darren Kitchen
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