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is on holiday! Rah! :D
on bus next to stereotypical geek: shoulder-length greasy hair, full, untrimmed beard, social uncertainty & reading Blood For The Blood God!
Made toffee for the first time last night - hitting things with a hammer then a sticky sugar-and-fat rush; very cathartic, I recommend it!
has slam-dunked HESES08 (largely down to boss's genius and hard work). Party on!
@ibeyou who're you, dude?
about to start screaming. HESES08. Nuff said?
@punctuation bwuahahaha! We worked like maniacs and it was totally worth it. Everyone was so impressive! Thank you again!
@punctuation - Wasn't that steel guitar wonderful?! And, on a related note, I'm totally going to steal these ph ...
@punctuation And excellent you were too! :)
just ran for bus - wrong one, it turns out - & am sitting here, choking, heart going like thunder & an enormous grin on me: I CAN RUN AGAIN!
would like to be less tired, please. Please?
@TheInkTank it could be worse - I've got Beyoncé's "If I Were A Boy" stuck in *my* head!
boggling at HOW MUCH Cardiff has outdone itself in tacky Christmas lights on St. Mary's Street! WOW!
am bleh. What a time to get a cold! However, this coach is more like the felt-covered, slightly broken plastic we've come to know & endure.
just setting off for Cardiff; usual randomness but everything sorted save packed lunch. Blimey. When did National Express get so flash?!
remembering why Ursula Rucker is the Queen, and why I got into performance poetry in the first place
being dizzy, ill and worried about friends in VW NLC
Officially time for a "HELL YEAH!" - but what's this Prop8 bollocks?!
just sent text back to Danni: "What do you mean: SNOW?! Oh, my gods. Look. Snow. Right. Blimey." What a night to be broken
very very tired still and quite nervous about going back to work next Monday


Alexandra Erin Helen L ATG Terry Madeley sohmer poetry alexlockwood Ben Tudor Barry T. Smith punctuation Randal Milholland drhorrible Matthew M Taylor Spillers Records Neil Cocker mstavers