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Holly just posted a great recap of our time in Mendoza. It's very funny and I love her for it. http://www.americansinchile...
finished the sandwhich. Finished the toblerone. Working on finishing the Malbec.
wondering, does anyone know of a way to ACCEPT incoming SMS messages without a cell phone account? Don't say Grand Central.
having a nice lunch of jamon crudo, provolone cheese, french roll, a bit of 2007 Malbec, and a finisher of Toblerone. I'm gonna miss this.
@rael This may have been in response to OH: in NY. My favorite of all the Overheards. = Spicy Rocks!!!!
It's our last night in Buenos Aires. Leave tomorrow. So, going out for a fancy dinner to celebrate. Reservations at 10pm.
The meat hangover from last night's ENORMOUS steak has finally subsided. Vegetarian dinner tonight for Holly and I. I was afraid last night. - Random Photo: Can of Quilmes demonstrating my metric system dilemma.
great thing about being somewhere with the metric system is that I have no idea how much 473 cubic CM of beer is. Probably should have more.
RT @justinkistner: Hoping @geekygirldawn's Pipes videos are a regular series... I second that notion. @geekygirldawn - whaddyathink?
gonna be hot today, like 105 degrees hot. found a restaurant with AC that's letting us chill with our laptops. We'll leave tonight.
my favorite bar/gallery in south america:Hollywood in Cambodia. All stencil art, it's incredible. u must look at pics
my mom needs xmas ideas for me. what do i want? i'm a geek, but been out of the loop. what are you guys asking for?
i just opened iCal to add an event for the first time in 2 months. glad it's a birthday reminder and not a meeting...
spent 45 minutes in a supermarket line today with 6 people in it. worst. organization. ever. I'm hugging New Seasons when I get home.
RT @cscotta: Considering the eternal struggle of the badger, mushroom, and snake.
last day of spanish class then i'm taking a frickin' siesta. I still have to finish "The Motorcycle Diaries" today too. book, not the movie
wow, just lined up a great project for the day after i return home. very excited, and relieved. also, maybe one more for january. all today
@ryanwi ah shucks... thanks man
tired from another day of walking for many many hours. Saw the Buenos Aires cemetery where Eva Peron is buried, if you care...


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