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@innonate says: whoa! someone turned on the nextNY bot and my phone is blowing up!
@andrewbadera says: @marquesstewart at the nextNY financing your startup event actually. wish I lived a little closet to the city, so mu ...
@msg says: Looking for parking near 65th & CPW trying to stop by nextny softball b4 sundown
@andrewbadera says: @centernetworks don't suppose you're going to be at the nextNY event tonight?
@tmarman says: The #NextNY hiring event last night was great - thanks for organizing @ceonyc. Good meeting everyone at Gingerman.
@theschnaz says: @ceonyc thanks for organizing the nextNY discussion last night. i learned a lot and the format worked very well. keep ...
@semel says: done with @nextny bot. sorry for anyone who got spammed by it!
@pickofthetwitr says: epc: Back from the nextNY event, walking the dogs, trying to score some dinner
@semel says: finishing setup of the nextny twitterbot. importing it into svn
@semel says: setup a new @nextny group twitter account. anyone can follow it, and anyone can post to it--just include "nextny" somwhere ...
@alexlines says: wtf. @nextny bot is broken. it just twittered 3x a random update i posted weeks ago
@WayneMulligan says: #nextNY - Hiring for Startups panel was of the more valuable discussions I've been to this year.
@Fraser says: had an awesome time at the nextny community conversation on hiring.
@epc says: Back from the nextNY event, walking the dogs, trying to score some dinner
@ceonyc says: 24 minutes to showtime for nextNY Hiring for Startups
@andrewbadera says: @marquesstewart at the nextNY financing your startup event actually. wish I lived a little closet to the city, so mu ...
@msg says: Looking for parking near 65th & CPW trying to stop by nextny softball b4 sundown
@andrewbadera says: @centernetworks don't suppose you're going to be at the nextNY event tonight?