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Treating the Boy to Plan 9 From Outer Space.
Today is put up the tree day. There. I declared it. Make it so.
Can't find Jeff Lynne on Twitter. What's the point of it all, then?
Used Twitter to find people who are following others to locate famous people. Note: I resisted urge to follow Britney Spears.
About to bring the boy to band practice. Yes, having children does fill your free time. Why do you ask?
Head says it's time for bed. Just as well - I think I ruined my thumb playing Katamari.
I need something tall, cool and full of alcohol. And not a drunk guy, either.
@kellypuffs wait, are you serious? People take blogging classes?
@simplebits Jody. Bonus is that nobody else is using it.
@donttrythis Your geek-dar must be broken. Usually the Starfleet uniforms give it away early in the relationship.
It's time to go play some Pachinko on the iPhone before bed. What, you don't play Pachinko before bed? Even though it's got triva questions?
If any of you owe me money, now would be a REALLY GOOD TIME TO PAY ME BACK. kthxbai
And here is the actual item (or one of them) at Amazon. Http://
@Ihnatko They came up with "matching" products in less than two hours. "Sort of similar" appears to be the goal.
@Ihnatko How many people do you think they have trying to manually match our photos to products? (I uploaded a usb snowman)
You can tell I'm a rebel because even though my ears are double pierced, I only wear one pair (one on each side) at any given time.
@beep I particularly like that first article. That feller knows his way around a space bar.
7:20pm is apparently gerbil wrestling time.


Evan Williams Dan Cederholm Beep. Busy Mom CNN Breaking News James Lileks kellypuffs Twitter Barack Obama Stephen Colbert Sara Marks Sockamillion Andy Ihnatko Lore Sjöberg Deals Jonathan Coulton David Ashleydale Red Sox Kathleen Sinnott Dooce Chris White Kathy Howe jen moore ecaitlin Andrew Hackard anniekate76 The Sneeze babette111 JohnCleese zefrank Topher Polack Keith LaFerriere The Onion Brina Geoff Brown TwinkleKing