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Landed in London. Sure looks cold outside!
Going through clean laundry while packing for going to Northern Europe. Probably should leave the shorts at home
@gruber Not only are the new apple laptops selling like hot-cakes - I think they are _still making_ the old MBP's too! Lots of $$ for Apple.
Scanned our 2007 tax returns. About 115 pages; not counting who knows how many miscellaneous forms and letters through the year. Crazy.
Woah. Lots of yelling down in the canyon + police helicopter + sirens from police cars. Someone's in trouble!
Playing with powertools & screwdrivers. Not enjoying this kind of work, even if it's nice when done. Now, how can I automate this with Perl?
I got a new unibody MBP. I hate 1) the trackpad, 2) the glare on the screen and 3) the battery "life". Love the easy hard disk upgrade.
Gave our dog a bath. She needed it so much that I think she changed her shade of brown a couple tones lighter. Eek.
Grrh. Can't get anything done with so many businesses semi-closed and barely answering their phones. Left to run errands instead.
The bluray disk with "No country for old men" starts with a really long promo for ... Bluray (vs DVDs). Wrong audience maybe?
Being home alone sucks. Watched an episode of Planet Earth before going to bed. So pretty.
Less than 6 hours sleep a night for the last weeks. Now Vani and the baby aren't here so it is completely quiet. Too quiet. Can't sleep!
@pinarozger Ooh - enjoy the stars. They are incredible around there. Fancy that they have cell phone reception now. :-)
gah - been doing paperwork. Tedious tedious paperwork. Just done now (~2:20) and have to get up early-ish. Grrh.
@acidargyle The Things application for OS X and iPhone is awesome for keeping todo lists without constantly nagging you about 113 items.
Over at @emad's house earlier we were watching some of the fire coverage. One of the fires is 4000 acres (16 km2?!) & 0% contained. Insane.
My head is full.
I can't believe prop 8 ("only different-sex couples can have rights") is passing. What the hell... Awesome president elect though. So great!
I walked the dog and even the air outside feels different. Such a relief. 76 days to go!!
We are watching TV live, except we keep pausing it to get more drinks, so we are now almost half an hour behind.


Evan Williams Rael Dornfest Harper joshua schachter Cal Henderson Nelson Minar Aaron Andy Baio Jeff Yoak John Gruber Anil Dash Eric Hammond John Siracusa David Wheeler Earle Martin Duncan Davidson Nat Torkington Andrew Warner Leon Brocard emad fanous Ernest Prabhakar YellowBot mlomeister Chris Shiflett Tim King Gib Olander CEO -Tony Chad Boyda theRoUS Pınar Özger Nicole Jordan Joakim Nygård Schwern mmontgomery Stormy Piers Cawley