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Had a great time at Karaoke tonight. I look forward to repeat performances.
Perfect holiday weekend. Thanksgiving was quiet and not stressful and a real joy spent in pajamas
I am so scattered today, cannot focus on anything, want to be anywhere else. It is the fall version of spring fever. does that exist?
tough day today but I voted early this morning. woot!
54 degrees? It was 74 this morning!!! WTH? Autumn is finally arriving in Dallas. came too fast. Can it be Saturday again?
At the airport waiting to fly home. Savannah was awesome!!!
I am sick of being sick! Damnit!
taking my nephew home today. I will miss him madly. He is growing so fast.
It was so hard leaving the house this morning. My nephew just cried for me. ugh...stupid work
just got home from 5 hours at the in-laws. We watched a slideshow of their Germany trip. It was great!!! boss is sometimes awesome!
@czdesign I hope it is the original Journey and not the "re-recorded" Greatest Hits with the faux Steve Perry
I realize I am a late-comer on this but I started reading "Y: The Last Man Standing" last night. LOVE IT!
Today is shaping up to be a much better day than yesterday!
I reluctantly woke up this morning but I was greeted by a cool, crisp morning. The weather is perfect today.
@stevehamaker It's great. Come on over.
I just wanted to thank all of you for the well wishes. It has been a rough weekend.
Hope was lost. I will miss you, Tiffany. 17 years was not enough.
Vet ruled out cancer but the blood work is inconclusive. Vet wants to keep her overnight to hydrate her through an IV. White cells are low.


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