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Pitch seemed to go very well. Many thanks for all the vibes, folks.
Bit of WW2 super-proudness regarding my grandpappy:
PITCH DAY. Shirt, check. Notes, check. Terror, check. Okay boys, I'm going in
@Spiraltwist Heh. I dread to even go spambot hunting through my little list, for fear of what I'll find. But, er - thanks. :)
wishes to remind his Facebook friends that his "status" is linked to Twitter, and that he's therefore not as self-obsessed as he seems.
@mrtonylee Sadly this one's in Movieland rather than the cheerful paperpitches of comicworld, so those silver plates are aimed at my head.
@JoeQuesada Poor Conan was stuck on one for 15 years, and he wound up an Emperor. Moral of the story: life would be easier with timecuts.
I love pitching I love pitching I love pitching I love p no it's no good I fucking hate it it's going to suck I'm worthless oh god kill me.
@mrtonylee Depends on your choice in music, doesn't it? You might finish the poor little fucker off.
@mrtonylee Comfort yourself with the knowledge that whoever's pinched it will give it more attention than you could.
@brianwood Very fun! I realise this is the question you're Not Supposed To Ask, but is there a reason they're all, y'know... Furries?
@antonyjohnston Imagine working there. Almost makes you feel sorry for the self-important little dropouts.
@LeeAHarris Well, no... It's just that the cream is a little curdled and - frankly - sour.
@andydiggle You were always the last kid picked in P.E. classes, weren't you?
@Emmavieceli A quick glance at Twitter just now convinced me that Farting makes you Wee.
Four days to prepare Big Terrifying Pitch to the cream of the UK film industry. Not long enough. But: I have visual aids. HA.
has not only not left the house at all so far today, but is in fact still in his pants. Do you feel violated now, teitter>?.
@johnreppion "Nobody earns a living from it" doesn't instantly mean nobody *can*. It's just that nobody else is good enough. Be the one!


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