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putting together the new lamp. - photo at
@djenders but that's what i'm saying. that **SHOULDN'T** be the case. even microsoft thinks so! #ie6iscrap
@PurpleCar that would be kinda funny. and ironic.
@MeadowsLing *avoids making "one hot dish" joke here*
seriously people. can't we just be done with this whole IE6 crap? please get out of 2001, THANKS!
@usermac i do have a beta version of chrome for mac. i just don't use it very often.
@svdodge well.. if that's the problem.. why does my mac do the same thing (minus outlook, but plus about 6 other apps) 9809 times faster? ;)
it doesn't look like my work PC can handle having 4 small photoshop documents open, +FF, chrome, twhirl, dreamweaver & outlook. SOOO SLOOOOW
@samtaters go to the g-spot! btw, i named my 1terabyte hard drive 'g-spot'... just so i can say, oh yea, i have that, it's on my g-spot :-)
@iKrissi I bought a new lamp for my living room. if you watch my next house concert on you'll probably see it :)
oh noz!! my head! iz gone! - photo at
is picking up a lamp... and it's taking forever
listening to: Alanis Morissette – So Pure:
@JetBlue any plans of jetBlue flying to milwaukee ever? i hear good things about you, but i don't even have the option to choose you. :(
@offwhitemke that's such a great idea. at least to me it is. :-)
@orchid8 me? a nerd? i don't know what you're talking about </sarcasm>
@robblatt i know. trust me.. i know
just had a really "stupid" moment. my 10px topmargin won't work when coded like this {margin:10px 0 5px 0 float: right; margin:0px; } duh!


Scott Beale thomasknoll Dan Patterson Christine Herron Molly E. Holzschlag Pete Prodoehl Chaitanya Sagar i heart quotes brownpau Frank Gilroy Chris Brogan Bill Palmer Dave LaMorte Jim Long Phil Gerbyshak Jason DeBoer-Moran Philip Campbell Ryan Stewart Gunnar Hafdal Snook Todd R Jordan Janina Douglas Karr sizemore bear Critter giovanni Sean McDonald dmotion Mr Noded WP Twit Plugin Kevin Gamble Vanessa Stacy BM5k Jeff O'Hara Baher Al Hakim
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