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Christmas Cub Scouts this Merry Eve!
@JoshKagan but I'll tell ya, if I had my choice of accents, New York would come in second to Aussie, that's all I'm saying.... ;-)
After a hard day fighting the IRS for clients - what do I get to do tonight? No...not a hot toddy...I'm going to Cub Scouts!!
@stephenfairley no worries; I eventually figured out you were on a cruise; sounds like you had a great time.
@EmpowerYou Nice to see you as well...just back from Strategic Coach in LA...about that questionnaire...Monday you'll have it. ;-)
@RickHorowitz on the other hand, if you plead him without discovery, hard to give good advice...agh the trevails of criminal defense counsel
Some prosecutors are such punks - want to use stronger language but twitter feed ends up on my blog :-)
@RickHorowitz tee that one up & kick that lil' DDAs @$$ - you ignored him in law school? For shame!
Good to be back in Tampa - great place to live
Today at LAX; 4 tea employees watching 2 TSS employees check passenger ID - why are all those people on the payroll?
At least I have a nonstop flight, so much nicer
Had a great time in LA now back to FLA now.
@andreawarner that's one of your many endearing qualities Andrea - you're always having fun & fun to be around.
@bentleytolk Why do you think more lawyers aren't open to ideas/tools that aren't written by/for lawyers? Always amazes me. Law is a bsns?
@bentleytolk I agree with you regarding Dan Sullivan - I'm really excited about the program
Just finished my first day of Strategic Coach - awesome, motivating, life changing - check them out if you're an entrepreneur
@NoReinsGirl we used to always say it stood for "U Can Study Buzzed" -btw almost nothing has changed - students still stuck in 60s
@NoReinsGirl that's really funny. Can you believe that in the 20 years since (or before) I have never heard UC Sandy Beach? good description
Traveling from the east coast to the west coast then back and then back again? What was I thinking?
@moanderlawfirm well you did guess west of the Mississippi - so you were close


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