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@gen : I was there only the second day and could not connect most of the time. I loved my 3G USB stick then :-) Things were worse on day 1.
@ajligneau : I'm sure they do :-D
@happyjaxx: I did love his final quote on community care. Definitely.
Firefox Overtakes Chrome as JavaScript Speed Champion:
funny wine tasting going on by someone who really looks cocaine-addicted guy on stage.
"Open Source and the Web lower the cost of failure" (and enable innovation). By Joi Ito again.
"The Web has enabled low cost innovation and sharing". Joi Ito @LeWeb
Marissa Meyer about Chrome, asked by Arrington: "it will go out of Beta very very soon" (heard on stage @LeWeb)
Maurice Levy conversation with Loic @LeWeb is a total disaster, just like the Wifi. Luckily, I have a 3G stick
@cedricmaloux congrats! That was fast! :-)
Chris Anderson @LeWeb was super inspiring and in line with the Mozilla mission.
@paul_rouget : je croyais que t'avais arreté la drogue, mais en fait tu pues la clope ! Beuark !
@alexbrie: no idea. I suggest that you search in . It lists an issue tracker and a cust. Dept.
@azaaza : it failed miserably! The internet connection was shaky when I did the demo, then Ubiquity refused to work. Talk was great anyway.
@znarf oui, comment tu sais ? :-D
arrived at home. Sending the emails I wrote while off-line.
Just landed in Paris. Had a total blast in Romania. Thx Irina & team!
Going to take off from Zurich... in the same plane & crew
Just landed in Zurich. Should be home in 3 hours!


Stephane Deschamps Susie Wyshak François Hodierne Grégoire Japiot Frank Hecker Yoan Blanc michel v Gen Kanai Rob Window Snyder John Lilly Alex Polvi Deb Richardson dietrich ayala Mike Beltzner Jeremy Paul Kim rhian baker Matthew Gertner Alex Faaborg Basil Hashem Eric Shepherd Florent Latrive Gavin Sharp Tariq KRIM Gervase Markham Mike Connor Firefox Rob Campbell Mike Shaver Maurice Svay soufron Chris Beard Brian Crowder Dan Mills Colin Barrett