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from Blackberry Bold Yes, Blackberry Storm No!: I’ve recentl..
Talk I would have given in India is now on YouTube:
@enochchoi Bummer. I have a headache from video editing all day but not something urgent care can cure. I need a break.
Since I couldn't go to India I'm sending them a video. YouTube is down so here it is on Facebook:
YouTube won't let me upload. Says it's doing maintenance. Anyone know how long that usually takes?
@dkoffler Why do you think it's not going ahead as planned? I just canceled my trip and hear some but not all delegations are pulling out
Relaxing at home in Palo Alto. Quite nice.
Decided NOT to go to India. Canceling speech. Heard that UK and EU are also pulling out of Internet Governance Forum this week in Hyderabad
Canceled vacation portion of trip to India today. Now whether to cancel planned speech at Internet Governance Forum in Hyderabad next week?
I have review units of the Blackberry Storm and BlackBerry Bold. Loving the Bold, kind of hating the Storm.
@timoreilly Our State Dept is taking its sweet time to issue any travel advisories. State issued a general statement of concern.
@sanjukta Was planning a trip to Delhi, Agra and Hyderbad Friday. Do you think it's wise for an American to be traveling in India?
Was planning a trip to Delhi, Agra and Hyderabad starting Friday. Now wondering whether to go. Any thoughts?
Anyone have any contacts in India -- especially Mumbai for possible radio interview.
from Is Microsoft’s free security suite a good thing?: Last ..
Back from NY & DC, home for 4 day sand then off to India
@DaveTaylor Fun. I took Will to a few shows.
had a busy day in NY mostly doing radio shows about Blackberry Storm
Is it just me or is there something obscene about GM & Ford CEOs flying to DC on private jets to ask for gov't bailout?
@pceasy Megabus is nice. WiFi, Fellow passengers not sketchy. No electrical outlets and they don't serve food or drink. Cheap.


danah boyd Jay Goldman om enoch choi Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Abby Steve Dembo Beth Kanter Jim Long Brian Solis Robert Scoble Liz Henry Nancy White Darren Waters jimbo wales Robert J. Berger Tom Merritt Clive Thompson Raines Cohen Andy Carvin Michael Stephens Dr. Larry Anderson Barack Obama Rafe Needleman Ken E Kaplan Michael Arrington Harry McCracken Doug Kaye dwight silverman Jonathan Zittrain Izzy Neis David Sifry Stephen Colbert Joshua Weinberg john ratcliffe-lee
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