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@olagon Good one. Sorta/kinda need to flush our cookies now huh? ;)
@harper What did you think of the movie? I read one of the books so far...
@olagon Damn you, caught things I turned off. ;) Arigato gozaimasu. :)
@geewhy Ahaha. Hilarious now, but it was small kine shame. :) Good thing my familia is all retired.
Does anyone in Twitter land know of a good place to fix a radiator? Car started smoooking on the freeway. :(
@ParkRat Ahaha. Talk about being observant. Wait, we've played before haven't we?
@parkrat Couch Potatoes. And yourself? I knew you ran the website. :P
@parkrat Very observant. ;) I've been playing in Mike's league for a few years now.
@andy_c :( The plight of the Phd! Hope everything ends up ok.
Dr. Sheldon Cooper, for the win!!!
@sfigart Radio was stock, that's the sad part. Geico gave me $$, but I just declined to fix it. Ahaha. :P
@techustle It's really young and really bubbly. They have all these little bubble things all over the place. I've heard it's Maddog Prod.
Wow, it's gonna stormmmmmmm tonight. Scary. I should get my haircut soon.
@THE_REAL_SHAQ Can you please break a few more backboards before you retire. Kcoolthx. Ryan. ->
@worldwideed Houston, we have a problem. Buzzbunny's updates are all protected so nobody can see what she's Twittering.
@harper You should probably think a little harder...
I might have to rethink not replacing the stolen car stereo. Hum of the motor is driving me crazy. Hehe.


Harper Chrys Aaron Ryan Burt Lum #corporate Anders Pierre Omidyar hiromi Dylan Richard AaronDragushan ☕ Lorenz sell Jeff Yang steve chen Gee Why MyMileMarker pulsetrain Stephane Liu 11ɐɥsɹɐɯ uıʌǝʞ L.P. NEENZ FALEAFINE yangstax Techustle MarcusL Brian Holcomb Larry Heim george Atkins Meyer Mr. J.K.W. Carlos Urreta Randy RobFarrow pwnies AngelaKeen dlassner grrrrrrrrrACE Stephen McMahon