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@isaacw I live in a cave, I never get to see these things, but only having subscriptions to Maxim and Thrasher might be part of the problem.
zeldman found these walking through NYC ... - I haven't even seen them yet.
yo NYC, Ming Dynasty is playing a FREE show at MUD tonight, 307 East 9th Street, The show is 8:00pm. swing by and say hello.
huge thanks to everybody who came out to the opening night... photos are now up... and facebook.
Tonight... http://www.burgerkingstudio... - if you're in town... and you don't swing by... our love flame has been extinguished.
Good Morning Chicago! Installation all day today. Sneak by and say hello.
packing for a 6:29 am flight tomorrow morning to Chicago... http://www.burgerkingstudio... - install and party Friday... come hang.
yo CHICAGO ... Me ... You ... and the KING !
yo CHICAGO... me... you... and the KING., Molly gets a tattoo ... and it's official, I'm now a street artist (at least in Australia).
yes we can ... and ... yes we did. Good Morning.
@marcitolina Yes, I voted for Obama. but I kept my post neutral, people should vote for whatever party/issues they support. JUST GO VOTE!!!
just got back from voting. PLEASE GET OUT AND VOTE !!!
ha ha ha - - I love you Phillip Kerman.
Matika, Majans, and JVST... new work post on flickr - - more work for JVST launching soon.
super stoked to be a part of the nvidia "speak visual" campaign, - been rocking them for 10+ years now. more later
Seoul, South Korea... you've been fun... wish I could stay longer. Flying back to New York tonight.
Good morning Seoul, Korea... dinner last night with Natzke, Marcos Weskamp, and FITC crew... conference starts in 10 minutes... more later.
Leaving for Seoul Korea today... hooray for 14 hours of DS and PSP intimacy. Today it just me... God of War... and Final Fantasy Tactics A2.