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Heading to RSA in the morning. See you later Twitter.
@codinghorror says that SSDs are very slow, but I wonder if it's true in reality?
@justinweiss Pretty weird to use GitHub as your blog. I can't decide if it's eccentric, brilliant, or just weird.
Holy crap we've come a long way in 24 years. (First Mac)
"Whatever feature your IDE gives you is a design flaw in your programming language." - RegB <- Man Crush
Watching Reg on Ruby.rewrite...great presentation
Has anyone made guarded assignment operators/methods for C#? Like &&= and ||=?
"Being interested in the same things that smart people are interested in is not the same as being smart." - Reginald Braithwaite
@baxiabhishek They've already changed their pricing copy to be clearer. @uservoice. I love the interwebs.
@baxiabhishek Agreed, no sub-$30/mo version with vanity domains seems a little shortsighted of UserVoice, IMHO.
Surprisingly Non Evil Dealings with Microsoft
Looks like UserVoice launched their enterprise version
@MikeG1 Heh. I've got 4 procs and 8 gigs of RAM. It's software, not hardware that takes over my computer.
"Rates have not fallen below 5.37% in more than 45 years."
The day I any OS (Mac OR Windows) without obsessively running TOP or TASKMAN in its own monitor, that OS will be a success in my mind.
@lobrien Interestly, the Credit Freeze seems to be a just need to give them more paperwork and proof you're not broke.
Outlook is having a particularly bad day for me. Not rocking at all. ;)
RT Mortgage rate heading to 4.5%?
@kevindente Where are they talking about 4.5%?


Evan Williams Marc Hedlund Dick Hardt Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Tara missrogue Hunt Coty Rosenblath Johan Denoyer Luciano E. Guerche Josh Bancroft Dave Winer Jeffrey McManus Lachlan Hardy Emily Chang Tantek Çelik Dina Ben Lowery David O'Hara Avi Bryant Ted Leung Jason Alexander Scott Watermasysk Phil Winstanley Don Demsak Alex Payne John Gruber Anil Dash Loui Zoot Abhishek Baxi Scott Kveton Obie Mario Menti Hugh MacLeod Matt Hinze Robby Russell ǝɹooɯ ǝʞıɯ
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