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@jaymed this looks like a hacked account.
Twitter Followers Spiking As Service Increases Momentum
The Feedburner to Google Domain Transition Foul Up
@jgeurts they are around and are generally much more responsive. Just sent of a ! email on your behalf. Sorry again for the delay.
iPhone 2g sale fell through. Got an email ask for it to be sent to Nigeria before payment. Trying the 2nd place bigger before re-listing.
@dbillian I just noticed a twitter button on the new AIR app. That could be fun although not sure why that is part of a security update. :)
@dbillian I have no problem with the update, I would just like to have a warning. Scary AIR would even allow this in the first place.
Google Chrome - Not Beta Anymore
The Zen of Results Free E-Book
I really like Tokbox, but if it (AIR client) auto updates itself one more time.
Few things get as many twitter replies bacon reference. Did I mention the internal name of CS v.Next is Bacon? Sort of wish I was joking. :)
@georgedude what issue are you seeing with Graffiti categories?
Is it wrong to put bacon on a pork sandwich?
Tumblr Raises $4.5 Million
10 useful iPhone tips & tricks
What if Steve Jobs ran one of the Big Three auto companies?
@gusper of course, without the means to deploy more than one solution, it limits what we can build/demo/etc today. :)
@gusper good to hear. The good news without it, you need to think more about decoupling, which is good.
@evolvingWe "Sorry @scottd, you ruined your last iPhone. Steve won't let us make that mistake again. Have you considered a blackjack II?" :)
USPS is crushing my eBay profits. You bastards.


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